Sonimus Satson ($39 VCC Alternative-Thats AMAZING) is out


"Satson RTAS released

As previously promised, we are proud to announce the launch of Satson RTAS. These are exciting times for our Sonimus staff, as we expand our coding efforts toward new platforms in effort to meet our clients’ diverse needs.
Satson VST/RTAS/AU Price: $39 (Free update for all customers, download it from "My area").

Supported Platforms:

- VST for Windows 32 bits.
- VST for Windows 64 bits.
- AU for MacOs Intel 32/64 bits (Mac OSX 10.5 or above).
- VST for MacOs Intel 32/64 bits (Mac OSX 10.5 or above).
- Pro Tools RTAS for Windows.
- Pro Tools RTAS for Mac OS X."
Anyone buy this recently? Couldn't help but notice that the $39.00 on paypal is a $39,00.

Naturally, commas in money when I am paying is sketchy to me. Even though the placement of the comma is still correct, better to be safe than sorry. Quite interested in trying this out
I can vouch for it's reliability and good sound. Excellent and musical saturation, the filters are very good. The buss module is awesome for gluing drum submixes together, an the crosstalk shines especially in headphones.
i use SatSon EVERY DAY, in EVERY MIX.

LOVEEEEE the filters.

SatSon and VCC are my go-to's for 'console' emulation but I've found since the release of VTM and using it on most of my tracks, I use less and less instances of the VCC Channel (VCC Mixbuss is ALWAYS on my 2buss, still the best for that whole sound IMO) but I've been digging VCC Channel or USING IT less and less....

the 'tape' thing just does it for me 95% of the time. it soaks up all the bad and spits out gold.