Sonimus Satson ($39 VCC Alternative-Thats AMAZING) is out

I quite like this plugin. Bought it today, the filters are smooth and musical. The saturation seems to be quite subtle, but it does impart a character. You wont hear it on a single channel I don't think, but once you strap it across a bunch of channels and bus them together and put the mix buss plugin on the buss, you'll definitely hear it.
Don't know how useful this will be for folks....

What I have here is one drum-mix with an instance of the Satson channel on every channel in the project. The drums are all bussed together and the buss has a SatsonBuss plugin on it. There is a little EQing on the kick drum, but not drastic. The master channel of the host has another SatsonBuss on it, followed by TheGlue compressor - which is set for quite a light amount of compression on the master buss - just a bit of smoothing of peaks.

The other mix is all the Satson channel instances disabled, as well as both of the SatsonBusses. TheGlue is still active, and so is the kick EQing.

Aside from this processing, there is nothing else going. Thought about making it blind, but there really is no need - it's kind of night and day!

I deliberately wanted to push the gains as high as I could to see the nature of the saturation, so if it seems a bit too washed out and distorted, it isn't the plugin, but rather my extreme settings. Hope that is mildly interesting for you!!
Okay.. this is great..Especially for 20 quid Eating my processor a little though.. Oh well time for a new computer!

REally liking it, subtle but adds up.
Used it here on just drums (recorded to tape in an awesome studio, no samples) in fat mode boosted a little with level matching on. and with the mix bus on loud process and fat

Okay.. this is great..Especially for 20 quid Eating my processor a little though.. Oh well time for a new computer!

REally liking it, subtle but adds up.
Used it here on just drums (recorded to tape in an awesome studio, no samples) in fat mode boosted a little with level matching on. and with the mix bus on loud process and fat


Couldn't hear much of a difference, it's like really subtle.
i'm on a sudden GAS spree so i bought this. hope it stands up to vcc. didn't have plans to buy vcc but mostly because of its price so this might be awesome
Whats going to be changed in the update?

Taken from the developer's post in a Gearslutz thread about Satson:


- Several bugs fixed (problems with some hosts, zipper noise, stereo and noise problems when samplerate is changed on some hosts, more stability, etc)
- Two different types of crosstalk: Modern and Vintage (vintage is the default and the same as 1.0)
- VU Meter position: pre and post (post is the default)
- Noise floor reduced.
- Better GUI (thanks Scott and Miro :) )"