Question and Answer thread

Haven't really been to many other countries long enough to pass a fair judgement, but I say...Scotland. Because of the country. Not the people :p

Have you been ill lately?
A. hmm...i don't know. that is a hard one. its a tie between spain, greece, and places to party so far that i have been to. but if i ever make it to sweden, norway, and finland..they will be on my top list!
Q. pass it on....
Heavenscent said:
Haven't really been to many other countries long enough to pass a fair judgement, but I say...Scotland. Because of the country. Not the people :p

Have you been ill lately?

A. yes..and it sucked.
hmm..never had a chance to go to scotland...yet hehe
Q. favorite place to party?
A. Again, sweden... Got incrediably wasted there at new year with my swedish metal-family. Then again, Oslo at New year with Lars may top that :D

Q. Last time you touched a boob.
A-Straight up, has a curve, but not left or right...kinda length ways....or something.

Q-To fulfill Heavenscents fascination with cock...i'll pass it on