Question for anyone who has used the SM7


Super Rad Member
Dec 13, 2005
So I just got my new SM7b in (thanks to countless raves about the mic) and I have some people coming in to do vocals this all this month. I want to try it out on two different types of vocals. This band has two very contrasting vocalist. The first one is in the vain of the guy from As I Lay Dying (Which by the way I think has horrible vocal technique) and Randy Blyth form Lamb of God minus the high stuff randy does. The second one is a higher screamer ala the singer from the band Refused.


1 I was wondering what windscreen is typically used for vocal tracking. The skinny one that I usually see on there or the big poof one (A7SW?) that also comes with it.

2. Do people tend to use pop filters with this mic?

3. What about the frequency switches? I am thinking booth singers will benefit from the bass roll-off activated. As far as the mid-presence boost is concerned I am thinking maybe activate it for the lower screamer and not use it for the higher one.

Just looking for general guidance...


I asked these same questions when I got my SM7B. No one was able to answer, so I figured out them myself.

chadsxe said:
1 I was wondering what windscreen is typically used for vocal tracking. The skinny one that I usually see on there or the big poof one (A7SW?) that also comes with it.

2. Do people tend to use pop filters with this mic?

I use the skinny one becase I'm using a pop filter with this mic. Not because of the plosives but to keep the mic clean.

chadsxe said:
3. What about the frequency switches? I am thinking booth singers will benefit from the bass roll-off activated. As far as the mid-presence boost is concerned I am thinking maybe activate it for the lower screamer and not use it for the higher one.

I have only used the bass roll-off when recording speech, so don't know much about these.