Question for drummers


Nov 13, 2002
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Has Zildjian gone downhill as badly as I'm reading about? Rumor has it Neil Peart will leave Zildjian for Sabian in January, and he's been with Z for 30 years, and other drummers are leaving as well. So, is it that bad?
Melisan said:
Has Zildjian gone downhill as badly as I'm reading about? Rumor has it Neil Peart will leave Zildjian for Sabian in January, and he's been with Z for 30 years, and other drummers are leaving as well. So, is it that bad?
Apparently their main PR person Lenny Dimuzio left after a long stint and now is working for Sabian. I don't have any official scoop but if Neil leaves after 30 years that is quite a shakeup. I'm a Zildjian player myself but I do like the many sounds Sabian offers and I have a few of them in my setup. Paiste is so darn expensive, I've never dabbled into them too much other than a Rude China years ago.
He's not PR he's A/R, BIG difference. :) But Neil's loyalty is to the cymbals, not him. He talks about Zildjians in his instructional video and has been pretty loyal.
Melisan said:
He's not PR he's A/R, BIG difference. :) But Neil's loyalty is to the cymbals, not him. He talks about Zildjians in his instructional video and has been pretty loyal.

Maybe Neil just wants to try something new. He was with Tama for a very long time, went to Ludwig very briefly, and now is with DW.

I've always preferred Zildjians (18" Med Crash Brilliant is my fave). Sabians are very good, and less expensive than Zildjians. Paiste makes great cymbals but they're so damn expensive!
drumslut said:
Maybe Neil just wants to try something new. He was with Tama for a very long time, went to Ludwig very briefly, and now is with DW.

I've always preferred Zildjians (18" Med Crash Brilliant is my fave). Sabians are very good, and less expensive than Zildjians. Paiste makes great cymbals but they're so damn expensive!
I have always been a Paiste man. Especially the Rude series. The fuckers can take some punishment and they sound great!