Question for forum members


May 6, 2003
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I would like to know from all you forum members here that if I post a Qur'an & Tafsir database here will you object? If not, and you all are in agreement that I can post it, that none of you will post until after I am done. For it will take me days to complete the work. The database ends at Surah 113. This database will allow you to search out all the verses you want to find and will be complete with a Topical Index you can use along with search engine. But I'm only going to do this if you all agree that you would be interested and will lay off the comments until I am done posting. Again, the final post is Surah 113.

Why is there a need for Islamic awareness? Because this brutal death cult has become too popular in America and will eventually lead to sharia law. I am an expert on Islam and understand Islam in a way most westerners don't. My research comes from all the most sacred Islamic sources and I include very few of my own words. After all, who cares about one's opinion. I post facts which come from Islam's best sources. I feel it is important for all Americans to understand the many dangers of accepting Islamic culture and practice into American culture and politics.

Though if you all snub me and say NO! then I will not waste my time and energy on this. So I am asking your permission and seek after your interest on the subject. Consider it like a course in Islam. Let me know your thoughts. I don't plan on doing this anytime soon since I am restoring the database on another site right now.
It really sounds like way too much and definitely not the sort of thing that should be uploaded to a music forum. So no, put it on Blogspot or something instead if you want, and only put the topic index here. In my opinion we should stick to the forum's intended purpose: discussion.
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He/she said something in another post about being banned or removed from other platforms. A metal forum may not be the logical place for the dribble, it might be the last place.
This is an off-topic part of the forum. I thought maybe oppressed information that is banned from most all social sites might peak peoples interest here.

The information is cut and dry. I selected several verses from the Qur'an in which I studied in depth. My research has been approved by every serious scholar and former Muslim who comes across it. Each verse contains what is called Tafsir. Now tafsir is like a commentary of the Qur'an but a little more authoritative than your average Bible Commentary. Not just any Muslim is allowed to interpret the Qur'an. That is reserved for Imams who have become tafsir scholars. Tafsir is the exegesis of the Qur'an, the interpretations of the meanings.
I also add with each verse quotes from the Sunnah, which is the Sirah and Hadith. In some verses I add Islamic Jurisprudence and other useful materials like Supplementary Texts that were plagiarized into the Qur'an by Muhammad.

Why a metal forum? Why not? Back when I was in a band I could have written some Megadeth style lyrics from Islamic sources. Islam is beyond brutal. Its a death cult and one I believe Americans should understand well.

Though, as I said before and will honor my word here, I will not post it if this forum opposes it. I offer it due to its importance to Americans and how its oppressed on so many sites. I have the database on MeWe but that will not spread the kind of awareness necessary to save our nation from an Islamic takeover. The media teaches that Islam is peace and all opposition to that message is oppressed. This database contains enough information that anyone who takes the course will within about 4 or 5 months have enough knowledge of Islam to be unbeatable in all debates, even if they are debating Imams. I never lose debates to any Muslims because my database can supply me with quick information I can just copy-paste to wherever I am.

I am doing this for the purpose of awareness. I'm not preaching hate but against hate. The Islamic agenda is much worse than people think and it effects everyone. So its not just a Christian centered message but a kafir centered message. But I will leave it along if you all continue to protest it. I just thought I'd ask.

I will post an article when it is finished. But that article is not an entire database. The article, though lengthy, will only be one post. That article you will want to read -- that I can assure you!
Oh god. Who's gonna save us if the Globe Earth & the Holy Bible page doesn't keep running?
That's a different database. Yes the page is still running on FB and MeWe. Though that is a much smaller database than the one I have for the Qur'an. I run the Globe Earth page and have another administrator there to let me back in every time FB disables my account. Though its not the globe earth Bible page that's getting me in so much trouble on FB. Its all my posts on Islam. I think FB actually likes my globe earth Bible page. They never give me problems over that. Globe Earth & the Holy Bible is the first page on the Internet to specialize strictly with what the Bibles says about the shape of the earth and other related topics connected to the flat earth menace. I only have one more verse to write on and I'm 100% finished with my goal to thoroughly refute flat earth nonsense. It was fun research and I learned things I would have never known had I not dove deep into that research. But it did cost me a lot of money in resources,
But I will leave it along if you all continue to protest it.

You really should just leave it "along".
If your message really is that important it would stand out by itself on the web and not need to be posted heavy metal forum.
Kudos however for reaching a point in your other thread where you have resorted to insulting the resident forum tweaker while trying to claim it was he who insulted you...and in only five pages, what an achievement.
You really should just leave it "along".
If your message really is that important it would stand out by itself on the web and not need to be posted heavy metal forum.
Kudos however for reaching a point in your other thread where you have resorted to insulting the resident forum tweaker while trying to claim it was he who insulted you...and in only five pages, what an achievement.
Again -- and this time read CAREFULLY -- the information is oppressed by fascist liberals. You are not ever even allowed to post it on Christianforums. Its called fascism. Maybe you've heard of it?

As for flat earthers. When they are rude and senseless I beat them senseless until they either change their attitude or they get banned. You cannot come on my page and say just anything. A person gets banned as soon as I hear punk rock songs playing in my head. I keep my page professional which means banning all punk-ass trolls who come there to destroy discussion. Only civilized conversations are allowed on my page. Punk rockers are banned because punk rock sucks
And you wonder why no one takes you seriously.
So you believe its ok for trolls to come in and ruin topics? Well maybe on some forums but not any page or group I run. I guarantee all new members of a group that all trolls (who are trouble makers) will be banned -- that's if they are lucky enough to get past the professional administrators on the group I run. I guarantee that no conversation will be disrupted. And you object to that? Says very little about yourself.
It'd be good to have a fresh topic to discuss Islam. See you in the pit.
I will not have any articles ready for a little while yet. How do you think we should open the topic? I do know that I would like to stick to Islamic doctrine. Maybe I will open up a topic and just explain the general basis of the Islamic texts. But I will not be able to post any thing for a week or so. I still need to redo the Topical Index for my Qur'an page. That is tedious work.
Wow. I'm guessing you are a Democrat spewing homophobia. How ironic.
So tell me, what makes a man a fagot? Please entertain me with your utter stupidity.

Yeah I'm a homophobic Democrat from Australia.

So you believe its ok for trolls to come in and ruin topics? Well maybe on some forums but not any page or group I run. I guarantee all new members of a group that all trolls (who are trouble makers) will be banned -- that's if they are lucky enough to get past the professional administrators on the group I run. I guarantee that no conversation will be disrupted. And you object to that? Says very little about yourself.

Your group will ban punks because you dislike punk rock? Sounds like a dogshit group and you sound like a fascist. :lol:
So you believe its ok for trolls to come in and ruin topics? Well maybe on some forums but not any page or group I run. I guarantee all new members of a group that all trolls (who are trouble makers) will be banned -- that's if they are lucky enough to get past the professional administrators on the group I run. I guarantee that no conversation will be disrupted. And you object to that? Says very little about yourself.

So you aren't getting your way any more and you've turned to insults and assumption about others. You want to "beat people senseless" until the think the way you do. You want to force your thought and opinion down the throats of people who have said they don't want or need it. Everyone else is wrong unless they think like you. You really are a special snowflake.
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It's a good threat though. He wins every argument he has. He takes people down when they don't agree. He changes peoples minds. Honestly if this guy isn't some sort of messiah he should be.
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