Question for Henrik on guitar solo's...


Nov 13, 2002
Enschede, Holland
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I have a question on the guitar solo's: Are the solo's well thought out before putting it in a song or is it that you have ideas on a solo and mainly improvise? I know that a lot of guitarists have just basic idea's but when playing either live or recording, they follow the main idea but improvise a lot.
So, on the recordings, are the solo's exactly like you thought them out before you played them?
Hey there folks....About the solos....... It all depends on the last album me and Tom had 10 hrs to cut ALL the solos so we just went in on a Saturday and just rushed it through like two maniacs on speed.As for the new one we had a little more time and i could spend some time on my own comming up with (in my opinon) some cool shit and then Tom got back and told me if he thougt it blowed or sucked and I did the same thing same thing with Tom when he were cutting his solos.Some solos I had an idea of what kinda vibe and feel i wanted on it while some solos i just played some shit and Tom yelled "Thats a fucking keeper man, Dont do ANYTHING more to it just leave it as it is. Some solos I just had to work a lot on to get em like I / we wanted it. As for Tom I think his playing on this record is amazing cuz he totally fucked up his right hand the nite before our last gig so he couldnt play for almost 3 months and just went in and did his parts really fast. Hope thats answer your quiz bro
best regards