Question for POD Farm Dual Tone Users

Robert W

May 13, 2009
I've noticed that when I'm using the dual tone mode, that the left channel always sounds clearer, while the right channel, regardless of amp/cab/mic I use, always seems a little dimmer, more canned sounding.

Is this normal for dual tone or, should the top tone, if cloned and placed on the bottom, sound identical to the one on the top?
Yea you're left/right ear are slightly different. And if you are using headphones, they are rarely identical in the left/right buds. flip your headphones/speakers around and see if it changes what you are hearing.
Could be your imaging, reflections may be coming more from one side than the other, etc... any number of things. As long as everything has identical settings then there is zero difference in sound, I use PODfarm a lot and have never noticed an issue like this.
Are you sure the DI signals are muted? I had the same problem, and it turned out that on one side the DI signal was played together with the processed signal.
Are you sure the DI signals are muted? I had the same problem, and it turned out that on one side the DI signal was played together with the processed signal.

Here's a screen cap of my mixer.

My Line 6 problems continue unabated. Now, when I A/B the tones, I get this weird oscillating sound. The note will play fine for a second, but then it gets completely drowned out by the Aphex Twin sounding effect. :guh: This only happens when I A/B tones. I tried recording it, but when I did, the strange sound didn't come out. The notes just played fine.

Honestly, I have no idea why I've been having all these probs w/ L6 all of a sudden, but it does make me want to get a real amp to record w/ real bad.
well, it isn't the same settings either... the one has mic on axis and the other has off axis and the preamps are different, and the left channel is louder.

It's kind of hard to explain, but the right channel always seems to have some "flub" in it no matter how I set the pre-amp/cab/mics. Sort of like the signal is meeting some kind of impedance somewhere and isn't getting through a 100%.

I've tried 4 different pairs of headphones and have got the same kind of response.

I tried an experiment just now. I made a new dual tone and recorded it on Riffworks and it sounded pretty crappy, not at all like it did through the phones. (Yes, I know phones do not accurately reproduce tone, but bear w/ me for a sec.) I then went and recorded each tone individually on Reaper. Not only did the tones sound much more accurate to what I was monitoring through the phones, but it sounded noticeably better than it did when I was just listen to them through POD Farm.

Not exactly sure what's up w/ this. If you guys have any tips or comments, please give 'em.