POD Farm Dual Tone recording


Dec 4, 2008
Kicevo,Republic of Macedonia
Hi there!I wanted to ask advanced Pod Farm users how do they record their Dual Tones!They use both tones and record them in mono(in REAPER for example)and then quad track,they record 1 track in stereo 100% L/R in Pod Farm and then another stereo track 80% L/R in Pod Farm or they mute one channel in Pod Farm and record 1st ampsim then 2nd and do that once more for quad tracking?Sorry for my bad English, I hope you'll understand.Thanks!
I... am an advanced PODfarm user...

Don't use duel tones, they suck. Duel track your left and right guitar. (100L, 50L, 100R, 50R). You have no idea how much more "meat" your mix will have. Just gotta have a good tone!

Have them play the parts twice, perfectly. You can only do SO much editing.

If you have anymore Q's, feel free to msg me or add me on facebook.
since this topic is slightly worth discussing, by dual tones do you guys mean one instance of podfarm2.0 or a podx3 blending two amps?? i remember line6 hyping the ability to do this a bunch when the x3 came out. pretty unimpressive feature to podfarm users though, since we can ... just... duplicate the DI track with a new instance and achieve the same thing. ...right?
since this topic is slightly worth discussing, by dual tones do you guys mean one instance of podfarm2.0 or a podx3 blending two amps??

The PODx3 blending thing and POD Farm dual-tone are the same thing, and both are called dual-tone. We´re talking about dual-tone, not stereo mode.

i remember line6 hyping the ability to do this a bunch when the x3 came out. pretty unimpressive feature to podfarm users though, since we can ... just... duplicate the DI track with a new instance and achieve the same thing. ...right?

You´re right if you´re talking about recording DIs, but wrong when it comes to playing live. Dual-tone is not useless. I use it all the time on bass, clean guitars and tones with a shitload of fx. Matt also came up with a trick of repeating the exact same chain on both tones, but switching the guitar cab for a bass cab and mix it lower.