Question for the Americans...


Feb 11, 2006
Have any of you ever watched the show "Trailer Park Boys"?

I don't know if it is available there, but if you have to chance to see it or buy it on dvd. DO IT.

Best Canadian show ever, not to mention one of the best shows on TV.

we live in america, if we want to see hill billies living in trailer parks, we will look out our windows.... or maybe that just applies to jersey... in any case. no i havent seen it, and its not a better show than the shield.
trailer park boys is fuckin great. i especially loved how julian always had a cocktail in his hand, cause back when i watched it i was a fucking drunk and always had a drink in my hand too. bubbles rules. i know kevin is a big fan too.
One day, the Canadians will begin curling over the whole planet and cleanse it of the unworthy.
^^ you sure it wasn't an american ? :tickled:

HAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

No, he was an officer in the Canadian Air Force on exchange with us when I was stationed in Alaska. He was the world's biggest douchebag. He could never take a joke, everything was offensive to him, etc. We were watching South Park the movie in the break room one night on a night shift, and he forced us to turn it off during the "blame Canada" song because he was offended.

The rest of the Canadians would laugh and carry on with us, both sides teasing each other in mutual respect. Everyone got along with each other but him. He was the type of person that if you would poke a little fun at or make some small, infinitesimal joke, he would come back with something truly offensive and disparaging. That's when my boss told him to shut up and color, or go back to Canada.
ahahah poor guy, he got what he deserves. I always find it funny when another country tries to make fun of Canada. In South Park cases they made a pretty good job, and I just can't stop laughing when they bitch Celine Dion, I hate her so much. But it's so damn minimalist and dumb when they make fun of French Canadians I just go like wtf!? and burst laughing.

I'll say it once last time: WE HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON WITH THE FRENCH.
Heck, we almost don't speak the same language.
Though it stays funny, people should be able to laugh at themselves.
ahahah poor guy, he got what he deserves. I always find it funny when another country tries to make fun of Canada. In South Park cases they made a pretty good job, and I just can't stop laughing when they bitch Celine Dion, I hate her so much. But it's so damn minimalist and dumb when they make fun of French Canadians I just go like wtf!? and burst laughing.

I'll say it once last time: WE HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON WITH THE FRENCH.
Heck, we almost don't speak the same language.
Though it stays funny, people should be able to laugh at themselves.

You think that's weird? Well aye, true enough. Although, I always found the whole separated, flapping head thing to be quite "WTF?". Never got my head round that (no pun intended).
I just watched the trailor park boys movie the other day.. it was pretty awesome. You definietly need to be moderatly up to date on the episodes to get maximum laughs from it though.