Red necks the only real Americans

Dr.TEETH said:
I had a feeling Norsemaiden was a white supremecist.
I didn't want to jump the gun and just assume it.
Welcome to the Politically Incorrect World of Billy Milano, Norse.
You'll fit right in on this board.
Go ahead and say pals, jews, fags, etc., etc., etc.

Be careful when you criticize hedonism though, because the liberal "traitors" will jump all over you for infringing on their constitutional right to have a multiracial, bisexual orgy while snorting cocaine up their assholes. While at the same time, they bitch at u for smoking a cigarette.

Fuckin A, man!

Why's "traitor" in quotations, Herr Doktor Teeth? It is well-known that Liberals are traitors, because they are internationalists who like to sacrifice their patriotic parents to an unspeakable hippy revolution.

...Mindless, brainless, hypcritical red zombies who worship their elected oligarch slave-drivers, spouting from their little book of Al Franken quotations, denouncing everyone who comes their way, sparking class warfare, and provoking the destruction of centuries of culture and infrastructure just for their phantom new society... which probably involves asshole coke snorting.

Now then, why the fuck is that asinine "What's a Nation?" thread from the swollen head forum--I mean, Philosophy forum, doing here? Leave that shit in the shitter, I say.

Actually, I just made the effort to read the very first post, and its not insulting to Americans at all.

In reality, its a wise-ass response to hippies who are accusing America of being imperialists and always say our soldiers are rednecks. Good job, NorseMaiden.

Norsemaiden said:
England, and every country with a lot of immigrants could be said not to really be a nation any more, just a state. England was a nation before WWII, but even then it wasn't all Anglo Saxon, and my area is more Norse.

The British Isles has always been settled by whites, from the start it, be they Old European, Beaker Folk, the Indo European Celts, Romans, the Danes, the Anglos, the Saxons, the Vikings, the Normans…they were all white European in racial stock so it didn’t destroy the racial homogeneity of that Island, however all of that is changing, whites will be a minority in Great Britain soon.,6903,363750,00.html

Norsemaiden said:
The US can become several nations. Different ethnic groups will secede. You are lucky to have plenty of space to do this without a lot of bloodshed.

Yes, the nation can splinter into different ethnic nations that don’t see the Federal government as their rulers and that is what is going to happen…from Texas to California the Hispanics are forming their own nation, they have already won the demographic battle and pretty soon they will separate from the Union and reclaim the land that the United States acquired from the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. In terms of the settlement, the United States paid Mexico $15 million and agreed to pay out the claims for damages instituted by American citizens against Mexico, many Americans fought hard and died for that and we will loose it all thanks to the politicians over in Washington.
I aint no redneck but I do feel this country is being taken away from the men and women (of many nationalitys ) who built it. I'm all for immigration into this great nation but letting border jumpers in and giving them more privilages then those of us who were born here is ridiculous. Pardon my shitty spelling.
Patrick R. said:
The British Isles has always been settled by whites, from the start it, be they Old European, Beaker Folk, the Indo European Celts, Romans, the Danes, the Anglos, the Saxons, the Vikings, the Normans…they were all white European in racial stock so it didn’t destroy the racial homogeneity of that Island, however all of that is changing, whites will be a minority in Great Britain soon.,6903,363750,00.html

Yes you're right. The Jews and Commies always like to make out the British are a mongrel population when really we are all WHITE (apart from the recent non-white immigrants). And what is more, the different white groups who came into Britain came as warriors and conquerors, not as refugees. There is a huge difference of quality there!
I think that newspaper article is over optimistic. We could be a white minority sooner than that. And here's an article by a journalist who is NOT a so-called "far right" racist, that says Sharia Law will be introduced into parts of Britain before very long.

I'm pleased that Jurched has sympathy with what I'm saying :)

How could anyone not see how Mexico is going to claim large parts of the US! Open your eyes Fah-q!
Dr.TEETH said:
I call them the status quo.

Francis Rossi and Rick Parfitt are the bollocks!

One thing I can tell you, Great Britain will NEVER have Sharia Law while I have a breath left in my body, no matter what any limp dicked apologists say.The time is coming when we are going to sort this shit out, all the incoming vermin who don't want to live OUR way are gonna find themselves in a banana boat heading back to Bongo-bongo land. Along with those who DO want to live our way, so they'd better get their (mud) house in order before it kicks off. I'm fucking ready!
The thing is it will be the white immigrants who provoke us into defending what's OUR birthright. How many people now curse "the fucking Poles" openly? It doesn't take much to start a conversation with complete strangers who will quite happily tell you how they think the country is teeming with them, and it's time something was done.

Erm, getting carried away here, waaaaay off the original issue.
Norsemaiden, I don't do "chase me", too uncomfortable with a boner, just be a good girl and lay over my lap...........hmmmgnnnnngyymmm. And wear your uniform, especially if it is 2 sizes too small.
BTW is a "redneck" a "chav"?
Ok that sounds a lot more fun than what I'm doing now AssMaster.

I bet a lot of rednecks are chavs yeah. Britney Spears comes to mind.
fah-q said:
Norsemaiden, I thought the thread was heading this way, I just wasn't sure.
If England is no longer a nation, what is it? What changed in England after WWII? What specific event, or chain of events has stripped England of its nation status in the post-Hitler world? I agree, the US could become several nations however, it will not. Even if our borders were to remain open as they are, there are countries that let far more in right now, that have not been sub-colonized by race. i.e. England, Canada. There simply is no modern precedent for your projection of where the US is going. No, the USSR does not count because they were a communist country.
Would your outlook be the same if your lineage were Saxon or even say...Nubian?
You seem to enjoy giving the pot a good stir, hoping to keep it from become one for melting, eh? AssMaster is right, you need a proper fanny-tanning.

I'm confused by this. Are you suggesting that, for instance, Canada is more racially or ethnically Diverse than America? Surely that isn't the case. "Minorities" make up around 13% of the Canadian population collectively - no one group is much above 3% - so they have no real power in any one sub group. In America, of course this is far different. Blacks and Hispanics respectively each account for some 13% of the population(I question the Hispanic numbers with such high numbers of illegals its probably higher) Thus, between them alone, at more that 25% of the population they wield much political clout. Whites in America are but 66% roughly at last census check(down from some 90% circa 1960).
A serious balkanization is a very real possibility, as these trends will only continue, exacerbated by the non-replacement birthrate of Whites. Of course we can all pretend the great "Democracy" will trump nature and innate racial/ethnic polarization, etc. This currently underway in areas like Los Angeles where native Blacks and Hispanics(in and out of gangs/prisons, etc.) are growing increasingly hostile and violent toward one another.
*If I misread your intention...disregard this:goggly: .
OldScratch said:
I'm confused by this. Are you suggesting that, for instance, Canada is more racially or ethnically Diverse than America? Surely that isn't the case. "Minorities" make up around 13% of the Canadian population collectively - no one group is much above 3% - so they have no real power in any one sub group. In America, of course this is far different. Blacks and Hispanics respectively each account for some 13% of the population(I question the Hispanic numbers with such high numbers of illegals its probably higher) Thus, between them alone, at more that 25% of the population they wield much political clout. Whites in America are but 66% roughly at last census check(down from some 90% circa 1960).
A serious balkanization is a very real possibility, as these trends will only continue, exacerbated by the non-replacement birthrate of Whites. Of course we can all pretend the great "Democracy" will trump nature and innate racial/ethnic polarization, etc. This currently underway in areas like Los Angeles where native Blacks and Hispanics(in and out of gangs/prisons, etc.) are growing increasingly hostile and violent toward one another.
*If I misread your intention...disregard this:goggly: .
I don't think you read my post incorrectly at all. I thought that the minorities wielded more power than that.
Norsemaiden said:
How could anyone not see how Mexico is going to claim large parts of the US! Open your eyes Fah-q!
The only way that is happening is if the US allows the illegals to vote. Do you really think they could put together a large enough and organized enough base to vote parts of the US back to Meheeco?
I think I am a Chav.
fah-q said:
The only way that is happening is if the US allows the illegals to vote. Do you really think they could put together a large enough and organized enough base to vote parts of the US back to Meheeco?
I think I am a Chav.

Vote? Well, that is the thing, they will not see the Federal government as anything, they will only recognize the Mexican government…the Hispanics have already won the demographic battle…lets see if they finally take away the border states…Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. They are already hanging Mexican flags up everywhere…can’t believe the Republican party hasn’t done anything about this, they have had more seats in the House then the Democrats for years and immigration reform is the one thing that could keep them in power but they refuse to do anything about it, that just goes to show that American interest doesn’t concern them.
TheAssMaster said:
One thing I can tell you, Great Britain will NEVER have Sharia Law while I have a breath left in my body, no matter what any limp dicked apologists say.The time is coming when we are going to sort this shit out, all the incoming vermin who don't want to live OUR way are gonna find themselves in a banana boat heading back to Bongo-bongo land. Along with those who DO want to live our way, so they'd better get their (mud) house in order before it kicks off. I'm fucking ready!
The thing is it will be the white immigrants who provoke us into defending what's OUR birthright. How many people now curse "the fucking Poles" openly?

Ya got three choices for the future Britain. Which would you rather have, O magnificent AssMaster?

A. Al-Anglistan.

B. Polska Britanska.

C. V for Vendetta 's Britain.

Yyyyyyeah, I'll take C, meeself.

fah-q said:
The only way that is happening is if the US allows the illegals to vote. Do you really think they could put together a large enough and organized enough base to vote parts of the US back to Meheeco?
I think I am a Chav.

You have to be into hiphop and rap to be a chav - so most rednecks wouldn't be. Are the "trailer park trash" like that? The best explanation of a chav is: wigger.

The Mexicans will fight for their chosen states to secede, if democracy doesn't give them what they want. It would be similar, in that case, to the situation when the South voted to secede and weren't allowed. I think the Mexicans will just be allowed to do what they want without any war though.
Norsemaiden said:
You have to be into hiphop and rap to be a chav - so most rednecks wouldn't be. Are the "trailer park trash" like that? The best explanation of a chav is: wigger.

The Mexicans will fight for their chosen states to secede, if democracy doesn't give them what they want.
Whoa, I am most definetaly not a chav. Trailer park (caravan) trash are generally just white trash. Although, it is a remarkably cheap way to live.
Norsemaiden said:
How could anyone not see how Mexico is going to claim large parts of the US! Open your eyes Fah-q!

How could anyone see that this is going happen? Because I can assure you its not.