Red necks the only real Americans

You sumbitches aren't colonizing anything with me. I'm staying put in Dare Country NC, thank you very much.

Let's colonize Africa with Americans from Detroit, south central LA, Forth Worth, DC, and Harlem.

Let's colonize Mexico with illegal alien Americans.
Winston-Salem said:
You sumbitches aren't colonizing anything with me. I'm staying put in Dare Country NC, thank you very much.

Let's colonize Africa with Americans from Detroit, south central LA, Forth Worth, DC, and Harlem.

Let's colonize Mexico with illegal alien Americans.

Norsemaiden, you are a very naughty girl for winding people up, report to my study immediately for a soundly spanked bottom. Hmmmm, maybe some stripes too if it colours up nicely.

I think where you are losing most of us 'Yanks' is in the narrowness of the Redneck designation(as you speculated above). "Rednecks" are for the most part, a sub-group of the rural, (largely)White population. But not all rural Whites are Rednecks, by a long shot. In fact, most are not what anyone would define as Redneck, Hillbilly, etc. Moreover, though this sub-group may be more prevalent in the Southern states, they are well represented throughout the nation.
That notwithstanding, I do see you point. However, I myself have a difficult time defining just what an American even is today. Hmong mountain people or Bantu tribesman who arrived here five minutes ago, speaking no English whatever and not knowing George Washington from George Orwell, are considered just as "American" as a person born, raised and a lifelong resident of the States. America has become less of a Nation and more an enormous (and volatile) social experiment, carried out in the name of glorious "Diversity, Multiculturalism, etc." Thus, the only group that would truly represent the ideal America(n)(according the Government, media, schools, etc. - not the people) would necessarily be as racially, ethnically, culturally mixed as possible. Of course this would invariably fail (colonization-wise) as all manner of dual, confused and conflicting allegiances would come to the surface very quickly. And so we see the demographic disaster on the the Balkanization of America is imminent...or already underway.
The people you are calling Rednecks(accurately in some respects) represent an old America...sadly, one that is dying a rapid death by dispacement, political irrelevance, and mass-immigration, and the treachery of the "leadership" of the land.
Norsemaiden said:
Correct me if I am wrong but they are white people with a long history in the US are they not? I am particularly thinking of people from the Southern States like Hillbillies and Confederates.

rednecks is actually a pretty vague discription.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Redneck, in modern usage, predominantly refers to a particular stereotype of individuals living in Appalachia, the Southern United States, the Ozarks, and later the Rocky Mountain States. The word can be used either as a pejorative or as a matter of pride, depending on context.

Usage of the term redneck generally differs from hick and hillbilly, because rednecks reject or resist assimilation into the dominant culture, while hicks and hillbillies theoretically are isolated from the dominant culture. In this way, the term redneck is similar to the word cracker.
This thread is about as gay as that snickers commercial... you know the one where the guy is singing the song to the black guy, and the black guy is looking at dude like he wants to suck his dick. Its that gay.
Norsemaiden said:
What do you say? Are red necks the only true Americans? I say yes, because if you imagine the idea of the President sending Americans to colonise another country (not that it would ever happen) who else could he send that would feel a blood tie and loyalty to the US as being their homeland?

You should know. As a descendent of the most brutally vicous country ever to control the globe you should know. Let me remind you.
Does William Wallace and Scotland ring a bell?
Does Jerry Adams and Ireland ring a bell?
Tell that to Ghandi and the moores.
What about the Normans?
And oh yeah, Us Americans kicked your english ass out of our REDNECK country in 1776. Maybe when you guys are tired of getting shit on by the fucking muzzies you'll see the true loyalty of America and it's red necks
as we come over there and murder those fuckin rag heads.
Buzzard said:
You should know. As a descendent of the most brutally vicous country ever to control the globe you should know. Let me remind you.
Does William Wallace and Scotland ring a bell?
Does Jerry Adams and Ireland ring a bell?
Tell that to Ghandi and the moores.
What about the Normans?
And oh yeah, Us Americans kicked your english ass out of our REDNECK country in 1776. Maybe when you guys are tired of getting shit on by the fucking muzzies you'll see the true loyalty of America and it's red necks
as we come over there and murder those fuckin rag heads.

I don't really know what you are on about, except that it sounds like you are really into race-mixing and muliticulturalism. It sounds like you believe in the US as a melting pot and that anyone can just come there and be a fully fledged American the next day if they swear allegeance to the flag. Well if that's the case that is no nation because it is anti racial identity. It means that the US is no more than a geographical area. People feel "patriotic" there, but if you are not patriotic to your race, what the hell is it you are partriotic to? The freedom to eat Krispy Kreme donuts (or drinking and whoring)? It's a meaningless delusion. Is the real reason that you hate the Muslim nations simply because they are a threat to hedonism? I don't care for Muslims either, but that sure isn't my reason.

This was supposed to be a pro-redneck thread. I was trying to see if rednecks felt that their country had basically been stolen from them. Just a little hell raising. :heh: Obviously almost no one here feels that way.

(I agree with Winston-Salem 100% - And Old Scratch's post was good too. ASS MASTER - you are going to have to chase me first!)
Norsemaiden said:
I don't really know what you are on about, except that it sounds like you are really into race-mixing and muliticulturalism. It sounds like you believe in the US as a melting pot and that anyone can just come there and be a fully fledged American the next day if they swear allegeance to the flag. Well if that's the case that is no nation because it is anti racial identity. It means that the US is no more than a geographical area. People feel "patriotic" there, but if you are not patriotic to your race, what the hell is it you are partriotic to? The freedom to eat Krispy Kreme donuts (or drinking and whoring)? It's a meaningless delusion. Is the real reason that you hate the Muslim nations simply because they are a threat to hedonism? I don't care for Muslims either, but that sure isn't my reason.

This was supposed to be a pro-redneck thread. I was trying to see if rednecks felt that their country had basically been stolen from them. Just a little hell raising. :heh: Obviously almost no one here feels that way.

(I agree with Winston-Salem 100% - And Old Scratch's post was good too. ASS MASTER - you are going to have to chase me first!)

maybe you dont even realize that you've insulted this nation, repeatedly in this thread, but i doubt that. i think you know exactly what you're saying.
Is the US a nation though? Once immigration reaches a certain level, a nation no longer fits the official defintion of what a nation is.

Nations are culturally homogeneous groups of people, larger than a single tribe or community, which share a common language, institutions, religion, and historical experience.

1 [C] a country, especially when thought of as a large group of people living in one area with their own government, language, traditions, etc

2 a large group of people of the same race who share the same language, traditions and history, but who might not all live in one area:
Norsemaiden said:
Is the US a nation though? Once immigration reaches a certain level, a nation no longer fits the official defintion of what a nation is.

Then, what are we to be called if we are no longer, by definition, a nation? What is England calling herself these days? The definition is broken.
fah-q said:
Norsemaiden said:
Is the US a nation though? Once immigration reaches a certain level, a nation no longer fits the official defintion of what a nation is.

Then, what are we to be called if we are no longer, by definition, a nation? What is England calling herself these days? The definition is broken.

We will be called Mexico.
I had a feeling Norsemaiden was a white supremecist.
I didn't want to jump the gun and just assume it.
Welcome to the Politically Incorrect World of Billy Milano, Norse.
You'll fit right in on this board.
Go ahead and say pals, jews, fags, etc., etc., etc.

Be careful when you criticize hedonism though, because the liberal "traitors" will jump all over you for infringing on their constitutional right to have a multiracial, bisexual orgy while snorting cocaine up their assholes. While at the same time, they bitch at u for smoking a cigarette.
patriot -one who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests

So what does that have to do with race??

Maybe we can colonize the moon, not really our style as was previously stated.

Colonization :lol: Cheez Whiz It went right over her head didn't it Billy not even a hint of a clue.:lol:

There are more rednecks in Florida than anywhere.

Norsebigotbitch, so why how did this brilliant idea for colonizing begin, and where would it take place??
OldScratch said:

I think where you are losing most of us 'Yanks' is in the narrowness of the Redneck designation(as you speculated above). "Rednecks" are for the most part, a sub-group of the rural, (largely)White population. But not all rural Whites are Rednecks, by a long shot. In fact, most are not what anyone would define as Redneck, Hillbilly, etc. Moreover, though this sub-group may be more prevalent in the Southern states, they are well represented throughout the nation.

I don't think that what defines a comtemporary redneck, is much of a poor, rural subculture anymore. Most people who call themselves "rednecks", are for the most part, living in the suburbs. They're not isolated, and living off the fat of the land. They're shopping at the Gap, the kids are mallrats, they have access to the latest technology, and they've got extra spending money. Now that i think about it, a typical redneck family would be the Cleaver Family, from "Leave it to Beaver", except nowadays the Cleavers are wearing 'Redneck' fashion.They call themselves rednecks...I call them the status quo. The real meaning of the term is obsolete, as far as I can see.
Dr.TEETH said:
I don't think that what defines a comtemporary redneck, is much of a poor, rural subculture anymore. Most people who call themselves "rednecks", are for the most part, living in the suburbs. They're not isolated, and living off the fat of the land. They're shopping at the Gap, the kids are mallrats, they have access to the latest technology, and they've got extra spending money. Now that i think about it, a typical redneck family would be the Cleaver Family, from "Leave it to Beaver", except nowadays the Cleavers are wearing 'Redneck' fashion.They call themselves rednecks...I call them the status quo. The real meaning of the term is obsolete, as far as I can see.

Perhaps that is a regional thing. I'm in a fairly rural/suburban area and a Redneck is, by and large, still a Redneck. If folks are adopting this title or fashion, as a mainstream 'style' that is news to me. What you describe simply sounds like rural American Whites to me. Then again, in an age where White teenagers call each other "Niggas" and the like, I suppose all these categorical definitions are questionable or as you stated, obsolete.
Where this whole thread idea came from is from another thread called "How Machiavellian is Bush?"

This sparked it off:

Originally Posted by the alumnus
i would say that bush has not heeded machiavelli. not just the prince, but also the discourses, which i would argue are more a true representation of old nick. for example, he does not heed machiavelli's advice on invasion (invasion of foreign lands only works through colonization). he also has not used the divide and conquer route, instead he galvanized his enemies and isolated his allies. we probably wouldn't be in such straights right now if he read the prince, or the discourses. hah.

Then I said:
It is humourous to imagine the US colonising Iraq. What kind of Americans would be sent over to live there?! Americans are such a bunch of mixed up identities and ethnicities that they would surely fail to feel a blood tie to their population back in the US. The only exception to that might be if Bush colonised Iraq with so called "rednecks" perhaps. Of course I realise that the whole idea is ridiculous anyway!

England, and every country with a lot of immigrants could be said not to really be a nation any more, just a state. England was a nation before WWII, but even then it wasn't all Anglo Saxon, and my area is more Norse.

The US can become several nations. Different ethnic groups will secede. You are lucky to have plenty of space to do this without a lot of bloodshed.
Norsemaiden said:
Where this whole thread idea came from is from another thread called "How Machiavellian is Bush?"

This sparked it off:

Then I said:

England, and every country with a lot of immigrants could be said not to really be a nation any more, just a state. England was a nation before WWII, but even then it wasn't all Anglo Saxon, and my area is more Norse.

The US can become several nations. Different ethnic groups will secede. You are lucky to have plenty of space to do this without a lot of bloodshed.
Norsemaiden, I thought the thread was heading this way, I just wasn't sure.
If England is no longer a nation, what is it? What changed in England after WWII? What specific event, or chain of events has stripped England of its nation status in the post-Hitler world? I agree, the US could become several nations however, it will not. Even if our borders were to remain open as they are, there are countries that let far more in right now, that have not been sub-colonized by race. i.e. England, Canada. There simply is no modern precedent for your projection of where the US is going. No, the USSR does not count because they were a communist country.
Would your outlook be the same if your lineage were Saxon or even say...Nubian?
You seem to enjoy giving the pot a good stir, hoping to keep it from become one for melting, eh? AssMaster is right, you need a proper fanny-tanning.