Red necks the only real Americans

Dr.TEETH said:
Do Brits have some sort of beef with Polish folk?

The town in which I live has been swamped with the cunts, and just about every other town in the country has too. The Govt predicted 13000 would come over when Poland joined the EU, and then were the only ones astounded when 300,000 were registered. (That's only the ones who applied for work permits, not their dependents or the self-employed)
Admittedly they are good workers, but they will work for peanuts, thus pushing down wages for us lot, who can't afford to go that low. We have mortgages etc, and our houses don't cost $100 like their shitshacks back home. They are settling in nicely now thank-you-very-much, with their shops etc, but they're also learning our bad habits - staggering around pissed up shouting and singing. It's one thing to be woken by John Smith singing on his way home from the pub, but quite another when it's a gang of shaven-headed building labourers jabbering away like fucking monkeys.
It won't be long either before they are demanding proper wages like the Brits, and then find themselves out of work while their employers turn to Moldavians who will work for even less. One good thing is that they really don't like all the Afri-coons and Pakis over here, and are always getting into punch-ups with them. Saves me the effort!

Only one other good thing about this whole situation - if you see a fit, slender woman walking down the street, with a superb rack, I'll put money on her being Polish (or Eastern European, all the same to me, they can all fuck off home on the same train) They haven't learned to be chocolate scoffing Bacardi Breezer guzzling porky pie noshers like most of the British girls.
S'funny, they aren't as keen to work as their menfolk, even though I can offer gainful employment in the most salubrious massage parlour in town. They make great cleaners though, he he.

When this country goes up in flames, and it will, mark my words, it'll be fucking Poles who tip us over the edge. Or maybe the Bulgarians and Romanians who are on the starting blocks to get over here to the land of milk and honey.
Norsemaiden said:
You have to be into hiphop and rap to be a chav - so most rednecks wouldn't be. Are the "trailer park trash" like that? The best explanation of a chav is: wigger.

The Mexicans will fight for their chosen states to secede, if democracy doesn't give them what they want. It would be similar, in that case, to the situation when the South voted to secede and weren't allowed. I think the Mexicans will just be allowed to do what they want without any war though.

Sad, but I think you are right
Norsemaiden said:
You have to be into hiphop and rap to be a chav - so most rednecks wouldn't be. Are the "trailer park trash" like that? The best explanation of a chav is: wigger.

The Mexicans will fight for their chosen states to secede, if democracy doesn't give them what they want. It would be similar, in that case, to the situation when the South voted to secede and weren't allowed. I think the Mexicans will just be allowed to do what they want without any war though.

Nah, that'd be working backwards for Mejico. After all, they expelled all those poor-ass bastards and now they want to get them all back again by reannexing the southwest?
Well, maybe they think the dirty, filthy, poverty-stricken migrants will have gotten some cash during their time here, and not be a liability to the oligarchs who rule Mejico.

Fact is, the unwashed toilers who come here end up sending all the money they earn back to Mejico, so their dirt-poor relatives, who were so dirt-poor they couldn't even leave the merciless squalor in which they barely survive, can then pay rich smugglers to come here.

Ever wonder who's against cracking down on illegal immigration? Yes, its the families who are here and still need to import 500 cousins at $2000 a head.

Even worse. Imagine what a waste of money that'd be if all their smuggled illegal relatives were sent back?

Btw, NorseMaiden, isn't the phrase for dark-skinned toilers in the field "Chay"?

TheAssMaster said:
The town in which I live has been swamped with the cunts, and just about every other town in the country has too. The Govt predicted 13000 would come over when Poland joined the EU, and then were the only ones astounded when 300,000 were registered. (That's only the ones who applied for work permits, not their dependents or the self-employed)
Admittedly they are good workers, but they will work for peanuts, thus pushing down wages for us lot, who can't afford to go that low. We have mortgages etc, and our houses don't cost $100 like their shitshacks back home. They are settling in nicely now thank-you-very-much, with their shops etc, but they're also learning our bad habits - staggering around pissed up shouting and singing. It's one thing to be woken by John Smith singing on his way home from the pub, but quite another when it's a gang of shaven-headed building labourers jabbering away like fucking monkeys.
It won't be long either before they are demanding proper wages like the Brits, and then find themselves out of work while their employers turn to Moldavians who will work for even less. One good thing is that they really don't like all the Afri-coons and Pakis over here, and are always getting into punch-ups with them. Saves me the effort!

Only one other good thing about this whole situation - if you see a fit, slender woman walking down the street, with a superb rack, I'll put money on her being Polish (or Eastern European, all the same to me, they can all fuck off home on the same train) They haven't learned to be chocolate scoffing Bacardi Breezer guzzling porky pie noshers like most of the British girls.
S'funny, they aren't as keen to work as their menfolk, even though I can offer gainful employment in the most salubrious massage parlour in town. They make great cleaners though, he he.

When this country goes up in flames, and it will, mark my words, it'll be fucking Poles who tip us over the edge. Or maybe the Bulgarians and Romanians who are on the starting blocks to get over here to the land of milk and honey.

Norsemaiden said:
You have to be into hiphop and rap to be a chav - so most rednecks wouldn't be. Are the "trailer park trash" like that? The best explanation of a chav is: wigger.

The Mexicans will fight for their chosen states to secede, if democracy doesn't give them what they want. It would be similar, in that case, to the situation when the South voted to secede and weren't allowed. I think the Mexicans will just be allowed to do what they want without any war though.

Get Used to it, mate. 1992-2004 presidential candidate Pat Buchanan had it right in his book "Death of the West."

Its all about migration. With 100,000,000 poor people on the move, seeking better pastures, and the west declining in population with suicidal carelessness, well, look what happened to the Roman empire:

Overwhelmed by dirty poor people (ie, barbarians) and finally dissolved into small little bloody poor villages.

That'll be Her Majesty's Empire and These United States at some point. Its just how it is.

Difference between Rome and us is at least they didn't give up without a fight. Whenever the filthy hordes tried to get across a river, there were usually swords and spears and arrows awaiting them!

Jurched said:
Get Used to it, mate. 1992-2004 presidential candidate Pat Buchanan had it right in his book "Death of the West."

Its all about migration. With 100,000,000 poor people on the move, seeking better pastures, and the west declining in population with suicidal carelessness, well, look what happened to the Roman empire:

Overwhelmed by dirty poor people (ie, barbarians) and finally dissolved into small little bloody poor villages.


Although I agree with most of what you said Jurched, I just can't have you putting down us barbarians like that. People have the wrong idea about barbarians. It is the barbarians that start civilisations by conquering inferior people and enslaving them, and it is the barbarians (Germanics such as Goths)who sacked Rome when Rome had got weak and degenerate from race mixing, Christian mentality and the physical weakness brough on by civilisation protecting the scum and breeding them in excess.

The barbarians are the fresh blood. The ones that take over and put everything right - before the slide into civilised sickness begins over again. That's why I'm proud to call myself a barbarian. Perhaps we will destroy this degenerated civilisation again and this time put in measures to stop the slide into weakness.

If interested see my thread "Civilisation Is Bad"
Norsemaiden said:
Although I agree with most of what you said Jurched, I just can't have you putting down us barbarians like that. People have the wrong idea about barbarians.

Sorry, but the barbarians who conquered Rome were starving to death. Global warming caused icy cold weather just as Jeff Bridges predicted, and the Romans weren't handing out any more free bread. So the dirt poor barbarians went apeshit and broke everything.

Norsemaiden said:
It is the barbarians that start civilisations by conquering inferior people and enslaving them, and it is the barbarians (Germanics such as Goths)who sacked Rome when Rome had got weak and degenerate from race mixing, Christian mentality and the physical weakness brough on by civilisation protecting the scum and breeding them in excess.

Okay, Gibbons. Take it easy. I'll be the first one to admit our late western civilisation is degenerate and weak, but it doesn't mean I gotta like being on the wrong end of the shitter.

And just as the barbarians of 1,700 years ago shat all over civilisation, so the modern mass-movement of whole poverty-stricken peoples are leading here, and shitting all over the forum.

Some things never change!

Norsemaiden said:
The barbarians are the fresh blood. The ones that take over and put everything right - before the slide into civilised sickness begins over again. That's why I'm proud to call myself a barbarian. Perhaps we will destroy this degenerated civilisation again and this time put in measures to stop the slide into weakness.

That would be ideal, but... How's your Espanol? The new barbarian movement has no room for tag-alongs from the old regime.

Yes, I'm a reet smooth-talking bastard me, now on your knees and worship the Weeny of Doom.

(This is a killer line guys, gets the chicks falling at your feet.*)

* laughing
Norsemaiden said:
What do you say? Are red necks the only true Americans? I say yes, because if you imagine the idea of the President sending Americans to colonise another country (not that it would ever happen) who else could he send that would feel a blood tie and loyalty to the US as being their homeland?

yea you are correct in that.
Jurched said:
Sorry, but the barbarians who conquered Rome were starving to death. Global warming caused icy cold weather just as Jeff Bridges predicted, and the Romans weren't handing out any more free bread. So the dirt poor barbarians went apeshit and broke everything.

No, I'm sorry...the pre Roman Germanics were far from barbarians, the word barbarian was a misnomer when it is applied to white peoples…in fact, if it wasn’t for the Germanic mercenaries, Rome wouldn’t of lasted for near as long as it have to look past the modern academia.
Patrick R - the thing is, I am reclaiming the word "barbarian" to mean something positive (unless you are a domesticated product of civilisation of course, which I would assume not in your case).

A distinction can be drawn between barbarians and savages. Savages are both non-white primitives and the kind of scum that civilisation breeds but who don't behave in a so-called "civilised" manner. Then there are "civilised" people who I think of as having lost their wild instincts in the civilising process. The ideal situation is to have the positive scientific advancements of civilisation, without the physical and mental weakening.

The word "civilised" has come to be associated in people's minds with positive terms such as: refined, polite, well-behaved, urbane, cultivated, gallant, educated - while the terms "uncivilised", "savage" or "barbaric" have all been turned into negative words.

What at first seems an irony of today is that the most "savage" behaviour, as regards the association of this word with lack of refinement, education, and a tendency towards mindless violence is found overwhelmingly within cities (the very place where people are supposed to be most "civilised") rather than in the surrounding areas. Many people in today's cities are like the mob of ancient Rome, only interested in food and entertainment. This is because civilisations have a birth, middle-age and then decay and die. This degeneration is, by definition, a falling from a higher state.
This article, shows an account of how a 1000 year cycle is coming to an end for our civilisation. The authors think that extreme Islam (ie.Al Qaeda) are the "barbarians at the gate". Other commentators believe that the burgeoning underclass of subhumans within civilisation itself are fulfilling this role. IMO it is the nationalists who come closest and who have the northern spirit (the barbarians/new blood nearly always invades from the north historically). However, these three groups are being suppressed by oppressive laws to varying extents.

"They refer to me as an uneducated barbarian. Yes, we are barbarians. We want to be barbarians, it is an honored title to us. We shall rejuvenate the world. This world is near its end."

- Rauschning, Hitler Speaks, p. 87
Are you a Geordie Assmaster, my love? Do you like Viz (the comic)? I used to read that. It has a character called "Sid the Sexist" - or at least it used to - who is a Geordie. You remind me of him a little! But i bet you're better looking.:)
Viz is not as funny as it used to be.
(I know it is mostly smut, but there was some witty social observation mixed in with it like Milly the Militant feminist, Spoilt bastard and the Liberal Parents.)
Hell_Awaits said:
No its not going to happen. Trust me we can take the Mexican army.

No doubt there, but the question is will we? So far, the mexican military that sits on the US/Mex border has on more than one occasion fired at our border patrol and has even crossed over into American territory--both of which are overt declarations of hostility, and what has been the US response? Nothing, keep it as quiet as possible, and give the Mexican govt minuteman positions.

Many mexican/latino groups have openly called for the creation of a new Aztlan, through revolution if needed
How pet, d'ya fancy a fook? I guarantee no poor Yank could understand a fucking word of that cartoon, bless 'em!

Come on, stop playing hard to get, fucking marry me...........oh no, you're not a "3 wheeler" are you?
I don't know what a 3 wheeler is. (There's nowt wrong with me though, luckily.) The perspective was all wrong in that photo - now it's changed. But I have a lot of fans, so i can't marry you and disappoint them all now can I?
Course you fucking can, don't talk so soft lass.

We would have so much fun: intense political discussion whilst you made my dinner, or while you washed the erm, "friendly fire" off my car from the previous night's dogging (it looks like a plasterer's radio). What laughs we could have, canvassing for Uncle Nick down in Little Bangla-town, hey, who knows, I could be their first MP - I have enough skeletons in the closet to qualify for that club. (Not so keen on Auto-Erotic Asphyxiation with carrots up my bum though, so perhaps I'm not enough of a deviant)

Oh, it would be happy days, I NEED a real woman to sire a son and heir (or 3), to propagate my Celtic Welsh bloodline , and to engage in anal antics, receive my thick creamy facials and indulge my various BDSM/Corporal Punishment foibles (I'm considerate,I do Switch too!!).
Come on, don't be so coy, I know there are Phillipino women who would cut off their right arm to take up an offer like that - though in the brochure I was sent (absolutely unsolicited, honest!), a strange glitch in the printing appears to have given all of them distinct Adams Apples. Most disturbing. Not that I'd marry one, you understand, just need a cleaner!

Forget the other ones my angel, they are nowt but boys, mere adolescent cum-quicks. Leave them to their Dungeons and Dragons, and come and play in my Dungeon. None of your cheap Anne Summers shite here. I'm different to them all, I swear, I have kissed a girl who I wasn't directly related to! I can make you happy! I can make you sore! I can do the bell-end bop for ages, without hair-trigger accidents, and then repeat afterwards! I can even do the washing-up on your birthday!

I'm sure you are not a Breezer swilling BMW, that you have never danced round your handbag to George Michael, and have no interest in Big Fucking Brother or Celebrity Love Island. That makes you a rare thing, my pretty English Rose, and I want you. Send me pictures of you masturbating with a hairbrush, or at least a topless pic, IMMEDIATELY. Don't fight it, there's a good girl, I have spoken.

The AssMaster

BTW, a 3 wheeler is a rug-muncher, "wears sensible shoes", yodels up the valley, only eats fish, etc etc. No problem if you are, I'm a modern man, I understand. We can work on it, and you will be cured in no time. (Not totally, I'm not some ignorant cave-man, you will be allowed to have your pretty friends round on special occasions. Like Friday nights. Oh yes, very 21st Century, me)

Now that, my friends, is how to propose to a chick, er, woman properly. I'll book the church, it's a dead cert. Who we gonna get to play at the wedding?