Question for the Brits on this board

Caggers said:
actuall in SCOTLAND.. we still have the one pound note.. :lol: :lol:

you can get a lap dance for a tenner.. want me to tap ya a tenner?

haha well while you spend your pound note, i'll be havin a ciggie in the pub ;p

a tenner lapdance what kind of establishment is this ;) ta for the loan tho haha
lokey said:
haha well while you spend your pound note, i'll be havin a ciggie in the pub ;p

a tenner lapdance what kind of establishment is this ;) ta for the loan tho haha

I will mail you 10 £1 pound notes .. so you get funny looks for handing over scottish funny money.. Noticed how you were careful to write ciggy and not a fag :lol: :lol: