Question from a newbie

Henrik Main

Aug 10, 2002
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I've been playing the (electric) guitar for quite some time now (since Christmas of 2000). Thing is, I've been playing punkrock and such almost non-stop since I got this guitar. I've been into extreme metal for a good two years now, but haven't really tried to play any death/black metal songs (thought it would be too hard).

However, I think I'm ready for that challenge now. Problem is, I don't know how to tune my guitar in the correct way. I'd like to try to play songs by Cannibal Corpse, Decapitated, Pessimist and other extreme metal acts (preferably death metal). Anyone got any suggestions/tips of what tuning I shall use and how I'm going to tune it? Anyone's got sample mp3s or something of a correct tuning?

Thanks for answering,

best way would probably be to use the tuning that is used in most of the songs you want to play
I don't know what tuning cannibal corpse, decapitated, pessimist........... do use, but I'm shure you can find this information in the internet (just look it up in the tabs for example)
most deathMetal-bands tune down (one step, two steps, ........)
not shure what you mean with "how I'm going to tune it" you shurely have changed strings or retuned your guitar?
The easiest way to tune your guitar is to use an electronical tuner, that you can plug your guitar into...most of these let you choose what kind of tuning you want...

Personally I tune my guitar two steps down, and Im quite pleased with the sound I get then...I usually play Black Metal...
corpse tunes to eb

dying fetus is in c# (dunno if you wanted to learn them but yeh)

and most tabs will have the tuning written out, go get a chromatic tuner, and dont spend more than 20-30 bucks cause they all work the same. anyway, use the chromatic tuner to tune your guitar, thats probly the easiest way to do it, and make sure its calibrated to 440.