Question:Project name...


Let me die in solitude...
May 30, 2001
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I have this small project going with this other guy....I'm playing bass/lead/2nd rhythm, and he's on rhythm/2nd lead/programming....right now we are doing some progressive power/swedeath, but might be going in the direction of more emotional music (ex. I like writing melodic, slow, dirge-like doom riffs with fast breaks and epic solos, and he likes writing complex acoustic/keyboard arrangements)...we may record some stuff on CPU (great programs, can't remember the names though) in the near future...anyway my question is, we are trying to think of name to label it...I was thinking Avidya. It's a Hindi word that means "An all encompassing, totally blinding illusion"...sound good, or too vague? Or just not for the type of music we're doing? I like it, but it was also my idea, so OF COURSE I'm gonna like it :) Feedback?
Originally posted by Sadistik
Avidya. It's a Hindi word that means "An all encompassing, totally blinding illusion"

I like it a lot! Firstly it sounds good,
and then the meaning of it fits perfectly.
But what you should think of is if it fits
the music you want to start making :eek:)

Only you know if it's a good label for
your music, but for me your
two-piece-band will be Avidya! :eek:)