Question to people who post here

Soul of Ice

Rusted Angel
Jul 29, 2002
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I read in a lot of posts that many herold the band members in Symphony X as gods. Why? They are just regular people like you and me who happen to be talented musicians. Treat them as regular people. I am sure the band would appreciate that more than hearing their names screamed and being bum rushed by a ton of people at their shows.

This goes for every other band as well. Remember - regular people like you and me.

So please dont call them gods.
I herald Symphony X as musical godz, for sure but when I talked with them several times and on one occasion drank with them they were hell of down to earth, really cool very normal dudes.

I hear your point but your delivery was weak, my suggestion to you is let people make their own minds up for them selves instead of telling them what to do. just a suggestion.

I see your point, but I think it's just a compliment (I don't call them gods though). I'm a musician myself and I don't think anyone calls me a god on this board :lol:
Originally posted by Ultimate_Symphony
I see your point, but I think it's just a compliment (I don't call them gods though). I'm a musician myself and I don't think anyone calls me a god on this board :lol:

YOU'RE A GOD!!! :worship:
Originally posted by Bear
I hear your point but your delivery was weak, my suggestion to you is let people make their own minds up for them selves instead of telling them what to do. just a suggestion.


Hehe. not all of my posts can be well thought out and executed well, but at least my point was made ;)

I was just getting tired of reading gods this and gods that.
Originally posted by Soul of Ice
I read in a lot of posts that many herold the band members in Symphony X as gods. Why? They are just regular people like you and me who happen to be talented musicians. Treat them as regular people. I am sure the band would appreciate that more than hearing their names screamed and being bum rushed by a ton of people at their shows.

This goes for every other band as well. Remember - regular people like you and me.

So please dont call them gods.

What are you talking about?? They ARE NOT only talented musicians, they ARE great composers and thats a fact. It is not enough with being a virtuso, the important thing is to have talent to compose music.

You speaks like we would have millions of bands like SymphonyX. Remenber- Intelligent people appreciate good music.
Luis - I love Symphony X, I do, but there are a ton of great bands out there as well. and i think you took too much offense to what i wrote. I forgot to mention composers. jeesh. Just know there are other great bands besides symphony x who do all different kinds and styles of music. :D
Luis-Give Sould Of Ice a break man, he's not offending the band. As much as I love SyX there're lots of bands that don't get recognition, he's just saying that lots of people treat SyX like ''gods'' (super humans) sure they are talented and all, but let's not forget that they are humans and their ability comes from all the years of hard work they've putted on their music.
<fanboy mode on>Me jumps around the forum like a big fanboyyyyeeeee!!!!<fanboy mode off>

Sorry I had to get that out of my system:Smokin:

:lol: :lol:

Damn, Bear, that made for the funniest visual..hehe!

*makin a note to keep an eye on Bear the next time she sees him at a show* ;)