Anyone here listen to Rhapsody?

Whoah! A lot of Rhapsody-dislike here... Personally I think they might be my favorite Metal band. They were my first, so they have always been the band I compare all others with. Most of my friends who listen to metal around here, seems to agree... Odd that they are so cooly received everywhere else...
I totally understand the cheesy lyrics thing.... but for me, it's just part of the fun, I'm a dork.

Papa_McPhat: Oh man, I laughed so hard when I read your post. Why? The only other Rhapsody fan I know is a girl who's into D&D, Magic, and Anime. You went 3 for 3, dude!

And I will admit that 90% of Rhapsody's songs follow the same formula, but hey, I like the formula. :grin: What can I say? They are over-the-top and incredibly cheesy, but I love it. Their orchestration rocks.

And oh man, the videos are hilarious. Rain of a Thousand Flames makes me laugh for days.

Still, I love the band. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one.
Well Rhapsody music is Awesome!! Starpoli makes the arrangements, and Turilli helps him with the composition. The lyrics, well they are kinda of repetitive, but they are ok. I hope that luca finds another source of inspiration for the upcoming albums.

There´s one thing about the drummer. I think the first drummer is better than the new one (Alex H.), I don´t know if he uses a tape for the bass drum, I know is repetitive but still I don´t know about that, it´s not that difficult anyway.

The videos aren´t good. But I dont care about the vids, I care about the music!! Maybe they should do this, save a lot of money by not making videos thru at least 4 or 5 albums, and then make a great video. I think Symphony X should do that too

At the end I think Rhapsody is great!!!
OfSinsAndShred said:
Anyway, who likes Rhapsody? I think they're up there with Symphony X as the best of the neoclassical bunch.

Ahem, yeah right. Symphony X is light years away from Rhapsody's stone-age-metal. I think they should grow up and stop thinking they're a bunch of knights in shining armour. All they sing about is fire in the sky and lightning in the ass. How silly can you get? It's hard to belive these are grown men!? :yuk:
My thoughts on Rhapsody
1. The lyrics and the image is the cheesiest I've ever seen.
2. As for the music, well, some songs make me laugh my balls off.!
But some make me feel amazing. sometimes The ultra-epicness makes me go into a different state of mind (luagh at me if you want, it the whole orchestrations and chiors that do it)
3. I used to be really into them, but my tastes have changed.

But a few pionts to piont out.

1. Stop bagging on the drummer. alex holzworth doesn't use a tape-recording on stage. He does it all by himself. Sure the drummong on Rhapsody's albums are ridiculus - but thats luca's and alex's vision, its not this fault. He's just doing what he's told to do. I f you listen to his previous band "Sieges Even" you can hear he is a great drummer. (Sieges Even are some hypo-technical prog dudes!)
2. The whole "deamons and dragons" thing is like a marketing tool. They have a cult-like folowing in some places in Europe. There are alot more people like that girl you were talking about. And alot more bazzar people like that.
I agree that they're absolutely great at what they do...which can be soooo boring. I have never managed to keep paying attention when I put one of their CD's on (sorry). I have a similar experience with Stratovarius. Sometimes I feel like listening to that kind of music but after two or three almost identical sounding songs I remember why I might buy a cd but never go to a concert...And it is true, a lot has to do with the might as well play a tape...Some one mentioned the great capacities of the drummer...well then why doesn't he get a chance to show his talents???????!!!! That guy couldn't possibly be having a good time??!! ( I realize a lot has to do with the fact that I'm a dreamtheater fan as well, in other words someone who likes complex, VARIED music) Just put some sx or DT on play it for a couple of just grabs you buy the throat...I never get that with R
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
1. Stop bagging on the drummer. alex holzworth doesn't use a tape-recording on stage. He does it all by himself. Sure the drummong on Rhapsody's albums are ridiculus - but thats luca's and alex's vision, its not this fault. He's just doing what he's told to do. I f you listen to his previous band "Sieges Even" you can hear he is a great drummer. (Sieges Even are some hypo-technical prog dudes!)

I agree completely, I find it shameful that he has to be a surrogate in Rhapsody...Sieges Even were an amazing and highly innovative band...
Rhapsody? :yuk:
I liked them before, I think the first two albums are musically quite nice.

BUT... Their newer stuff - what the hell? The songs are bad and just way too "big", having all the choirs and orchestras... it's just too corny for me. And the drums, much too fast, and Luca plays all solos the same way.

And the lyrics and their look. Greatest crap ever (after all death- and black metal shit) IMO. The lyrics are so stupid, and also done with poor English. And the guys have said many times in different interviews that they are SERIOUS. That all would be nice as a joke, but if it's not meant to be that... Ouch.

"Sperm and blood and terror chaos in my head" (Rain of a Thousand Flames) - who can write a line like that being serious? Only a serious idiot.

Sorry, it seems that quite many ppl here like them :p so that's just my opinion, do not kill me... :Spin:
Yes,one of my faviroute bands.I would say their best songs are Gargoles Angels of Darkness, Dawn of Victory,The Mighty Ride of the Firelord and Emerald Sword.

I find them hard to compare to Symphony X as I like each band for different reasons.
Um... I like Luca's use of arpeggios? Hahaha.... Wow, a lot of people hate Rhapsody. At least people are interested enough in my topic to post, even if they're saying how much they hate them.

Edit: Oh, and I was going to add: Their orchestration is killer, and they're one of the few bands to play classically-influenced metal and never sound like Yngwie (nothing against Yngwie, but everyone rips him off at one point).