Question to the drinkers

u'll should try brown rum...u will die when you drink it...some more then 80%...

oh and one time i woke up whent to the beach around 11 in the morning with liqour a bottle of wodka 2 beers some passoa and weed...when i was done with that i passed out...and i woke up around 2 o clock at night lying in was discusting and my headage was terrible...that was the worst thing ever happened to me... :yuk:

dont ask me why i did it i was unexperienced :p

after that i didnt drink for about 9 months...and now i stick with beer :kickass:...its safer and i dont whant to get in that hell again ...believe me you dont whant to do i think of it i didnt even eat that morning...fucking hell im glad im still alive :ill:
En Vind Av Sorg said:
I think I might have killed a bottle of Absinth once. Then again I cant recall much of the night in question so I also could have been running around in a field screaming and pouring it on my face, but the bottle surely was empty in the morning.
yeah, you drank certain amount (little though) but the rest ended up over your face/clothes/ground etc. I'm sure. zivjo! :grin:
All these Tequila haters. Maybe you just haven't had good tequila. Or just don't dig on the distilled cactus juice. In the rare event I actually drink anymore, tequila and irish whisky are choice, as is jagermeister.

Aquired tastes. Have no use for cocktails or beers, but since I drink about once every six months at most, guess I'm not a "drinker"
Tarantula, ouch. Yeah, one important rule for tequila is quality does matter, and Tarantula is lacking. The best for the price is Cuervo Tradicionale, Don Julio, or Sauza Hornitos.
I probably never had a good taquila, you are right, Necromunchkin.
I had too many bad expiriences with that drink when I was a teenager, I tend to puke when I even smell it.... :yuk:
Maybe I should try a good taquila one day... maybe. with the right partner.

I will stick to all the good drinks out there that I love so much,
Absinth (cheers Tee!!) Cardinal Mendoza, (Best spanish brandy! cheers Jamie!!)
Jack and Jameson, GOOD dry red wine (cheers Fred!)
my precious Vodka. (cheers sentient6)
and many many more.

what's a good taquila to try? I mean, REALLY good?
A REALLY good tequila is Huradura. Pricey, around forty dollars a bottle, but it's like MacAlan 18 year old single malt in terms of tequila. Another personal favorite is El Patron, which is less hmm, cactus-y in taste and more finely distilled so it's damned smooth as far as Tequilas go.

The one nice thing about living in Arizona is finding a tequila is a lot easier than finding just about anything else. There's a bar not two miles from my house that specializes in tequila and have around eighty varities, the most expensive being around sixty dollars a shot. Can't recall the name of it, but it's about thirty years old and not imported, has to be purchased in mexico.

Other than the many tequilas, the bar is an uber-trendy shithole of a college bar, and I'm not sure two shots from every one of those bottles would make the music sound less shitty or the crowd less vacuous.

El Patron and Huradura are your best options, so if you ever see those in a bar and are feeling adventurous, might consider 'em.
oh man, dont talk about whiskey to an alcoholic man! hahaha i am kidding...but yes whiskey is strong, i prefer vodka now because i can hardly drink or smell whiskey(old and long story)

and tequilla is good shit..just dont mix it with any other drink
^ yeah neal, well said.
Sometimes I will drink cheap things just to get fucked up, (very rare) but in the most part, when you grow up (and have more money) you realize that the expenssive drinks are the best, and you can never go back again.
(my story with Taquila btw, is because I used to drink cheap shit in my teen years- YUKKKK :yuk: )

I will try those tquilas one day Necro! cheers and Prost!