Question to the drinkers


Aug 31, 2003
I just drank a couple shots of "Bushmills Irish Whiskey" and it was pretty strong. It says it has a 40% alcohol volume. I'm used to the Mikes Hard Lemonade and The Smirnoff Green Apple stuff.

Is Bushmills pretty strong to you as well or am I just a freakin sissy?
I think so too. It was the worst thing I have ever tasted but it's the only thing my brother had. He doesn't know. :p

Don't tell him. ;)
Let me share some lessons learned:

1. 151 proof rum is not for doing shots. Or breathing fire.
2. Everclear can be used to dry out wood glue rapidly.
3. Gin and tonic (or Vodka and tonic) is your friend. You can drink it all night without getting dehydrated.
4. Jose is not one of the three wise men. Not even on Cinco de Mayo.
5. Butter Shots are for girls.
from the story my friends have told me when i got hammered:
don't roleplay metal gear solid using chairs covered in shotglasses as an airduct
don't crawl into small tiled places such as a shower, you might hurt your jaw
your not getting passed the first level of tetris after the eigth shot
carpeted floors pwn jooooo
going to the bathroom will lead to an epic battle with the flusher that will take some time and energy
GroundXero3k said:
I just drank a couple shots of "Bushmills Irish Whiskey" and it was pretty strong. It says it has a 40% alcohol volume. I'm used to the Mikes Hard Lemonade and The Smirnoff Green Apple stuff.

Is Bushmills pretty strong to you as well or am I just a freakin sissy?
It's just regular "whiskey face", but I'll say what no one else has: you're just a freakin' sissy. :)

Sometimes it's just the taste. Like Goldshlager or Aftershock, they are a cinnamon shnapps, and cinnamon burns, while they are around an average proof.

Just stay away from 151.
Whiskey needs chaser.

40% is around average for most hard liquors. Your standard whiskies, vodkas, and tequilas are 80 proof. So yeah, it's reasonably strong, but nothing you shouldn't be able to handle. Just keep eating solid food and keep a chaser to wash it down, cause Bushmills in particular tastes like arse. NICE aftertaste, though.

i've 'mixed' the two

notice the vast grammatical error.
and I forgot to log in under my name.

....hmm, i think its time for sleep