
it's like, "hey you motherfucker". obviously, the person in question is not really a motherfucker (if he is, then it is completely hilarious); or, "hey you son of a bitch"... "hey you goddamned queer" is the same way, because it is meant to offend people, which it often does. that is the purpose of curse words/insults.
i love how just because one kickass bands vocalist is gay makes the entire band gay and anyone who listens to them gay....
Blinded By Blood said:
Hey Panzer, what exactly does the army have you do in Afghanistan anyways?

QRF (Quick Reaction Force) in Northern Afghanistan. Basically when shit hits the fan we move out. Shit has sit still in a chair far away from the fan for quite a while now.
I work in the HQ platoon. Communications and you know, ass sitting and all those neat things.
zim18 said:
i love how just because one kickass bands vocalist is gay makes the entire band gay and anyone who listens to them gay....

Except of course it doesn't because Priest kicks ass.
ender7227 said:
Sounds like fun. Personally, if I was over there, I'd rather be on the front lines. I couldn't handle sitting around. Of course, I have no frame of reference for war, but I think I'd enjoy fighting.

The idea of fighting would be neat. The reality of being shot at by fanatics would have you yearning for a nice, comfy HQ communications job.

Unless you're an utter psychopath.
Fucking hell, Ender and ALK need to share the title of resident dumbass...

You guys oughta get married...

Yeah, what someone said above, you dumbassed motherfuckers, I actually mean this literally, you fuckers of mothers who have dumb asses...
ender7227 said:
I took the title off, ALK is free to use it, as it would only help his reputation.

Yeah, I guess he is more deserving...


Sorry ender...
ender7227 said:
Sounds like fun. Personally, if I was over there, I'd rather be on the front lines. I couldn't handle sitting around. Of course, I have no frame of reference for war, but I think I'd enjoy fighting.

It pays good and I don't get shot at. I dont't really see the proble. =)
And if you think the training is hard, don't expect the actual fighting to be easier. That's usually when people snap.
The fighting I could deal with, it's a set of problems and when I'm faced with a truly challenging problem(which so rarely occurs) I am in a true state of zen, as it were. The training would snap me due to a lack of self esteem, self respect, and a drill sergeant kicking my mental ass day in and day out. I think in the battlefield I'd have no problem, but in the training I'd get snapped like a twig.