Questions for Jonas and Anders N.

Richard Mongler

The dream is dead.
Aug 23, 2008
I was just wondering, how long have you two known each other?

How have Katatonia managed to stay together as a band and not break up?

Have you guys ever had fights like some other bands do?

Do you see Katatonia as a life long project?
I guess I haven't read many interviews. As for you "great cold distance" take your arrogant "sigh" and shove it up your ass. Thanks.
Well, since you guys seem to know it all. Would you mind answering the questions? All I know is that they are long time friends. But I don't know how long that means.

I agree with Blackfield.
As I said before i don't see anything wrong with this thread. The OP is just trying to kill his curiosity. There are much worse threads in this forum fyi.