Questions for Jonas and Anders N.

It's kind of hard to enjoy the "culture" of this forum when I seem to be the only one trying to make any sincere attempt at connecting here. You are telling me to "fit in". I don't feel it's necessary to sell out my individuality to anybody in order to "fit in" with people who obviously don't seem to want to try connecting with me or any of my questions. (directed to forum posters in general who seem to be constantly fucking off) Old interview about Tonights decision and TLFDGD Interview with Anders and TLFDGD process. Very good interview about VE. Past and forward.;/fPpagesel/1 Around TGCD WIth something that almost looks like a hot chich..yes video.

Well Richard, I haven't found the answer to your questions so far, but between the lines you do discover some parts to your answers. But then again I haven't had time to read everything in these interviews. I need to get sleep. And yes, stop the bitching's just not doing any good.
Hey Richard,

don't take things too personal, I know it's easy to say and I can't follow that advice myself sometimes^^
but you'd have to take into account that there are a lot of (dare I say it) oldies around here who are somewhat unable to ignore questions that have been already posted before, just like me :lol:

Take it easy, these boards aren't retard-free, unfortunately ;)