Questions regarding the state of this forum.

mega said:
This forum has hit the rock bottom quite some time ago and that's why I quit moderator job. Since people want to keep this forum their playground and virtual meeting and chatting place for people they know in real life as well, I will let them do so. It is a fine day to exit indeed this place as well...

I know what you mean but when is there ever any news about the band? Without the usual suspects pissing about there wouldnt be much going on here at all. When was the last statement from the band for people to discuss?
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
look, your words complement mine...GOD.

you're really a wise old man then :)

though the same's not true of me -- this patience rather made me a silly old woman with fantasy cats sitting on the windowsill and listening to Tori Amos and Antimatter with me.
Strangelight said:
I know what you mean but when is there ever any news about the band? Without the usual suspects pissing about there wouldnt be much going on here at all. When was the last statement from the band for people to discuss?
there's a good point! I mean there is always a time i guess where there is a kinda idleness (?) in a forum. I mean it's not that we have many news here, like Dunc said, and Mega you know that cause you did't get much either. WEll, I'm at this forum for about 1 year now and if you see how often some questions repeat time after time, you get kinda tired of discussing the same things all over again. So if there is nothing new to discuss, and the old themes are getting boring, then you start talking about things which do not refer to Anathema. But i always thought this forum had enough different threads which were serious enough and not Anathema related. Though i admit it's getting less interesting atm, but this will change once there'll be some news.

Strangelight said:
I know what you mean but when is there ever any news about the band? Without the usual suspects pissing about there wouldnt be much going on here at all. When was the last statement from the band for people to discuss?

*clap clap clap* ....................
requiem said:
My original post is a tad rude, and I apologise to the regulars, but I used to post here all the time and now it seems rather stupid to post a serious thread amongst all the guffawing.

Plus if you all know each other, just go round to each other's houses or something.... *shrug*.

to be honest i think it was a good thing mega stopped moderating this forum. the forum is cool the way it is. if you dont like a thread, then dont read it. and i cannot answer "your fave album" polls or discuss lyrics all the time.

and sophia, are you alive?
Don Corleone said:
to be honest i think it was a good thing mega stopped moderating this forum. the forum is cool the way it is. if you dont like a thread, then dont read it. and i cannot answer "your fave album" polls or discuss lyrics all the time.

and sophia, are you alive?

Good thing ? I didn't do anything for aeons and I just hope you don't run into serious shit here as that would finally show what's moderator's role. But if you don't have a life outside net, then I guess places like this are useful. Good luck...
well we're doing fine now since there is no-one keeping an eye on us.
its like with kids, if you dont take care of them they will grow up and learn things themselves. hehe
mega said:
Good thing ? I didn't do anything for aeons and I just hope you don't run into serious shit here as that would finally show what's moderator's role. But if you don't have a life outside net, then I guess places like this are useful. Good luck...

and when you did use to moderate, you would delete posts. thanks, i wouldnt want to see any more of that.

and no, i dont have a life outside the net, hahahaha. c'mon be more original.