Quick Amp Sim Shootout: The Treadplates


Captain Insano
Feb 16, 2009
US of A
Just got Komplete 7 uploaded today and wanted to see how the Rammfire head stacked up to other ampsims on the market. Figured I'd share it with you guys! You'll have to guess which is which for now, I'll divulge who's who once everyone's sick of guessing.

Don't remember what guitar I used, just used the first DIs I found on my external drive. I believe it was a Pro DI that ran it into a Digi 002r.

The basic setup: Vintage "Treadplate" (Mesa Dual Rec) with similar settings (some had to be tweaked a little) into a "British" (Marshall) 4x12" with Celestions (if it was an option)

Mic is a SM57 on axis (if available, on the edge of the dust cap)

Here are links to the WAV files:


Ampsims used:
Native Instruments Guitar Rig 4
Waves GTR
Digidesign Eleven (RTAS plugin, not hardware or TDM)
Amplitube 3

Discuss, debate, enjoy!

P.S. I don't own PodFarm and I'm on a Mac, so no LePou in the mix. Sorry!
1 sounded the best, the other ones didn't sound very convincing. Thanks for the shootout!
no, I mean that all the clips sound pretty awful. The first one is like almost passable, but the others are just fizzy and undergained and just plain terrible. Did you like even try to get similiar sound from them?

I was using similar settings. It was on the fly, just wanted to get a general cross-section after spending 4 hours loading Komplete onto my computer haha. It was done quickly for my own purposes, and I was surprised how they stacked up, so I popped them on here just for fun. Yes they sound bad, but the main thing I was surprised by was the noise and dynamic response some of the sims had. I was hoping that would come through, but it appears it didn't.

Needless to say it takes time to get an amp sim dialed in and I don't mean to offend anyone by saying these are anything more than a snapshot of a very large picture. Thought it was interesting, hopefully someone else can get something out of it as well!
1 Amplitube
2 Eleven
3 Waves
4 Guitar Rig

But I have to add as well, that all of those sounds aren't very good.
IM gonna stick with my $400 5150 and cab ....lol

Ya these are all pretty bad. I dunno why you guys just stop spending all this cash on plugins and find some decent used 5150s. Christ buy a Bugera for $500. I mean seriously, look at how much you have spent on these plugins....

Amplitube - $99
Eleven LE - $400
Revalver $250
Waves GTR - $250

Thats $1000 you could have spent on:
1. A dual recto used on Ebay
2. A 5150 used on Ebay and a Bugera Used on ebay
3. A 5150 and a Cab
4. A Bugera and a Cab

Throw in another $100 for a SM57 and a stand used and you could have real tube tone.

Unless of course all of this is cracked software, then ignore everything I just said and stop asking for help ...lol