Quick/beginner/stupid questions go here

What kind of liquor is that?

Stupid questions here? Ok heres one... Where has jaskas kit description on Scythes of Bodom gone?? It was there with the whole setup some time ago, but they have edited the pages and apparently (?) skipped the kit setup...


I know it would be obvious to ask Scythes, but if u guys can answer quicker than them it would be great, thanx :kickass: U guys know all ! :Smokin:

Some info on Zero Tolerance: Alexi wrote the music and Mika Luttinen asked what kind of lyrics he should write for it. Alexi said something like "I don't know, write something about gays or so." and that's the story behind it.

Haha. No comment on that song, but Cogito Ergo Sum is amazing (and short.)
Hi, can someone tell me what bass Henkka is playing on the Gigantour pictures? That's an ESP, but not the Araya, isn't it?

Thanks for answering, sorry if it was already somewhere in the forum...

EDIT: I found the COB gear thread, but I cant find it there ;)
LOL, I was watching this video on youtube:

And the last video (8:15) had KIMBERLY GOSS! Then I remembered, she was in that band at that time... From Wikipedia: "Before starting her own band she sang and played keyboards for Norwegian black metal band Ancient from 1996 to 1997, and during those years was also the touring keyboard player for Swedish symphonic metal band Therion."
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I don't remeber if i've asked it before...but considered that this thread is dedicated to stupied question :lol:

Does anyone know if cob are going to record any other album?is there something about it on the website or in the scythes of bodom?
I don't remeber if i've asked it before...but considered that this thread is dedicated to stupied question :lol:

Does anyone know if cob are going to record any other album?is there something about it on the website or in the scythes of bodom?

New album: Henkka or Janne said they may be touring until 2011, so possibly then.
And nothing about it on SoB.
Does anyone know if cob are going to record any other album?

from an interview with Janne last month in Metal Revolution Webzine (posted today in the interviews thread by 01-deathbyorder):

MR: So the album is still quite new and you are in middle of this insane touring, are there any plans for the future beside touring?
JW: We are booked for one more year of touring so we are basically scheduled the whole next year.

MR: Mostly headlining shows?
JW: Both, some headlining, some festivals, some as a supporting band so maybe in 2010 we are going to start writing the new stuff.