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And it's most certainly those wounds that have inspired him during his writing also, which we have been able to take part of.

Or then it doesn't have so much to do with repopening wounds, but he just doesn't want to talk about it. I wouldn't either. It isn't something that everyone should know.
I guess you mean his "Zero" wristband. It's a skater brand and btw, the "alien face" is a the upper part of a skull :p.

Try your luck in a skater shop. Oh, i just saw that you lived in Italy...Try your luck at "TITUS Mailorder" then.
Do you know if they will make another part of Cob TV?
I loved part 1+2. - it was soo funny to watch. Hope they will do "Cob TV3"- perhaps if they recording new songs in the studios, who knows..
I doubt Alexi will do anything with Sinergy...

Everytime there has been an interview with him and they've asked about Sinergy, he pretty much dodges the question
Me to that's for sure, but I wouldn't expect another one at least till the end of next album's tour. They did CRY after AYDY, I don't think they'll do a new one after BD. I'd love it though :D
Me to that's for sure, but I wouldn't expect another one at least till the end of next album's tour. They did CRY after AYDY, I don't think they'll do a new one after BD. I'd love it though :D

Probably, it's too soon. But I remember Janne saying they carried a camcorder with them during one of their tour last year (in the USA), that there was some funny moments. So I guess they still do that and as they want to do it right (I trust them :lol:) they must wait till they have enough stuff filmed. CRY was an awesome DVD, and I think they want to make another one at least as good.

About Sinergy, from what I've read recently in the official thread, I give up on waiting for a new album.
No. You just have to believe what the wind told me ;) Nah, as I said - I can't really remeber where I got those informations from but if I remeber right we had a discussion about COB TV part3 on the old SOB board and Alexi told in an interview that he won't finish the 4th Sinergy album.
fuckit, I'm still going to hope for it. I wont anticipate it, but I won't give up on it. At least not until one of them says for sure they're not going to finish it.
About Sinergy, Alexi has said all the possible answers (we'll finish it some day if we have time, it's part of the past, maybe one day, probably not, next question, not that again, I don't think we will... the list could go on for ages), then Roope when asked looks like he doesn't really know what's going on, and then I remember Henkka beeing interviewed and saying something in the lines of "I guess if they have the time and gather they could finish it", which is like saying "yes no maybe". Kim is nowhere to be found or heard, Lauri doesn't know what's going on either and same with the drummer. So the only thing left to do is wait and see. I at least think that one day Kim will get back to the music business (not necessarily with Sinergy) and we'll get at least some info.

About COBTV part III, I think it's clear it won't come from Blooddrunk and that we'll never see where the "Alexi goes Yngwie" came from, but I think (and hope) they'll do it again when recording the next album.