Quick/beginner/stupid questions go here

Hm you could contact Hatewear by mail and tell them what you noticed, maybe they fix it, these typos are kind of embarassing for their webshop imo. Or they tell you that it´s a early special version :lol:
Anyone have one extra for Saturday's show? I bought the very last ticket off Ticketmaster last night and was hoping to bring a friend.
Here goes a stupid question, but I'm really curious about that:
Does Alexi have done the military service?
I heard it is obligatory in Finland but as Alexi started playing in bands very early I don't know if he has done it :S
But if he doesn't do it, they will cancel his passport or something like that and he won't tour anymore :(
but look at his sexy body... he must've done it.

Nope, he didn't do it. We do have conscription here in Finland for men, but if you've got some mental or health issues, you might get exemption from it.
Here goes a stupid question, but I'm really curious about that:
Does Alexi have done the military service?
I heard it is obligatory in Finland but as Alexi started playing in bands very early I don't know if he has done it :S

None of them has done their service. I think Alexi was probably alright because of his mental issues, but it would be interesting to know how the others avoided it. I mean as far as I know, not even top athletes make an exeption. Is it ok if you're in a big band and the whole business goes down if you have to go do military service. I think not. Makes you think, when there's big money moving, can they sort of hire a psychiatrist to guarantee a false testimony of mental health analyzis..
It happened around the Something Wild days when Janne was unable to attend the tour. Well, if they only had 7-8 songs, 2 shows would not be impossible.
And happened again during the TW tour. Lineup was Sinergy, COB and In Flames.

None of them has done their service. I think Alexi was probably alright because of his mental issues, but it would be interesting to know how the others avoided it. I mean as far as I know, not even top athletes make an exeption. Is it ok if you're in a big band and the whole business goes down if you have to go do military service. I think not. Makes you think, when there's big money moving, can they sort of hire a psychiatrist to guarantee a false testimony of mental health analyzis..

Jani from Sonata didn't get out of it.