Quick/beginner/stupid questions go here

Sounds just like high school. I can't stand it when people are that judgmental. It's not like I got up to everyone I know who listens to rap and ask them if they're in a gang. Then again as much as it sucks it comes with the territory. If you're gonna choose to dress a certain way there are always gonna be people who are ignorant enough to make stupid assumptions... although it is better if you can avoid them :p
Sounds just like high school. I can't stand it when people are that judgmental. It's not like I got up to everyone I know who listens to rap and ask them if they're in a gang. Then again as much as it sucks it comes with the territory. If you're gonna choose to dress a certain way there are always gonna be people who are ignorant enough to make stupid assumptions... although it is better if you can avoid them :p

Well the funny thing is.. I was in this TVshow about prejudices.. some quiz... And my group (the goths) actually had the most fun with the players! So funny..
And the real estate agents were the most prejudiced about us.. and they didn't change their thoughts about us either.. even though I kicked their asses XD

So not every one is that annoying.. I just happened to end up in companies with only that kind of ppl working there...
That sounds like fun! Oddly enough some of the people at my school that I get along best with are the guys who listen to rap and play footballs which is rather hilarious to see considering I'm this tiny little girl all dressed in black hanging around with these huge "gangsta" looking guys but I love em to death. They're like big teddybears XD Either way I always find guys are less judgmental.
That sounds like fun! Oddly enough some of the people at my school that I get along best with are the guys who listen to rap and play footballs which is rather hilarious to see considering I'm this tiny little girl all dressed in black hanging around with these huge "gangsta" looking guys but I love em to death. They're like big teddybears XD Either way I always find guys are less judgmental.

I guess it's just mostly the pottheads which I have the most trouble with.. (And no not everybody in the Netherlands smokes weed all the time...)
I've actually had ppl standing around me in a group with knives saying things like, here's a knife, go cut yourself..

But the funny thing is, as soon as a metalsong hits the charts here.. they all love it.. and everybody wants to walk around in black and wear new rocks and listen to metal :S

And then Britney Spears becomes number 1 again and everyone hates metal....
Haha I don't think we've had a metal song hit #1 here in a while unfortunately. Yeah I had an incident like that a while ago. I volunteer at the local animal shelter so Im generally scratched up from overzealous kitties and a few kids who I didn't even know went to my teacher and told him I was cutting. Luckily I knew him well enough for him to know that that was bullshit but had it been another teacher it could have caused a lot of unnessicary drama.
Well the funny thing is.. I was in this TVshow about prejudices.. some quiz... And my group (the goths) actually had the most fun with the players! So funny..
And the real estate agents were the most prejudiced about us.. and they didn't change their thoughts about us either.. even though I kicked their asses XD

So not every one is that annoying.. I just happened to end up in companies with only that kind of ppl working there...

That sounds so *goth* :lol:
when I was 15 I used to hang around with a few and it was horrible :D
they pretend to be some opend minded group who is hated by everyone yet, that's exactly where they get their pride from.
They are mostly butthurt *we hate all rap fags* children who arent any better.
That sounds so *goth* :lol:
when I was 15 I used to hang around with a few and it was horrible :D
they pretend to be some opend minded group who is hated by everyone yet, that's exactly where they get their pride from.
They are mostly butthurt *we hate all rap fags* children who arent any better.

Well actually I really am open minded and I really don't give a fuck what ppl think about me as long as they don't bother me with it....
^^ Well, as from what I´ve heard Alexi doesn´t give a shit about the internet, most likely he wouldn´t even know how to log into Facebook ;) The band members don´t have their own facebook or myspace, just the band.

Knowing how anti computers Alexi is, I doubt he has Facebook.

indeed, he hates this kind of things, he said it himself, he cannot use that and doesn't want to.

This is of particular interest to me because, as with most bands I like to keep up with, it's usually best to add the individual members' social networking pages in order to get updates on band news, side projects and whatnot. Strangely, those accounts are generally updated more frequently and with more complete information than are official band pages.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the 30 or so Facebook and MySpace pages purportedly of the various CoB band members are likely to be impostors who like to call themselves "role-players" (of course, I prefer the term "no-class, low-life losers and creeps," but whatever) who don't bother specifying theirs are "fan" pages because that would ruin the "game." All the same, for this very reason I wish there were a CoB running list/tally of official versus impostor pages, so that less savvy fans are less likely to get confused or taken in. A perfect example would be Slipknot's official fan forums, where there are sticky threads devoted to specifying which are the official Slipknot sites and legitimate band member pages (or, rather, the band member pages that are open to the public). Additionally, if the site/board administrators 'suss out particularly pernicious impostors (i.e., the ones who interact with other fans, intentionally and willfully misrepresenting themselves as the band members' or their significant others), they update the forums and send out bulletins to warn the fans. The story of the girl who got taken in by an impostor posing as Alexi is pretty terrifying. For her gullibility and lack of caution, she's lucky all that happened to her was that she met the real Alexi and was probably only embarrassed at having been taken for a fool by a stranger.

It may be impossible to help everyone (especially the less discerning but no less rabid fans), but it couldn't hurt to try. Board Admins, rather than leaving this information buried in page 112,253 of the newbie thread, would it be possible to start a sticky thread listing the official CoB websites and any possible legitimate pages for side projects and/or the band members themselves? It could either be locked to responses and edited as new information becomes available, OR people could be encouraged to report new impostor pages they've found and ask questions - whatever you think is likely to be of the most help to the CoB community at large.
On the Skeletons in the closet album, just before "somebody put something..." someone is saying something in Finish like "satu sakyyla" Whats it mean? Anyone Finish here? lol
@Shinaain: I agree band members own pages could be of more info, but they are people too and may want to keep them for themselves and friends, and it's their right. For COB, identifying is easy: only oficials are COBHC.com and COB's Myspace (myspace.com/childrenofbodom). Everything else you find is fake. Some bandmembers do have social network profiles, but the ones that do wish to keep them private.
On the Skeletons in the closet album, just before "somebody put something..." someone is saying something in Finish like "satu sakyyla" Whats it mean? Anyone Finish here? lol


It goes Suhteessa kyllä and I don't know what it means. :Smug:
@Shinaain: I agree band members own pages could be of more info, but they are people too and may want to keep them for themselves and friends, and it's their right. For COB, identifying is easy: only oficials are COBHC.com and COB's Myspace (myspace.com/childrenofbodom). Everything else you find is fake. Some bandmembers do have social network profiles, but the ones that do wish to keep them private.

That's perfectly understandable and the privacy issue would be a huge one for me, too, were I in their shoes. I know of several musicians who have several pages: a public one for their fans and a private one for friends and family. Again, I was only asking for confirmation, and that the information be made readily available and not buried in the middle of a hideously long thread. (The search tool works, but still...)

Thank you, by the way.

It goes Suhteessa kyllä and I don't know what it means. :Smug:

I've tried to translate it, but I don't know if it is correct..

Suhteessa is probably an innessive from 'suhde' which means (as far as I could find) something like 'affair' or 'relationship'. Innessive stands for 'in'.
'kyllä' means yes..
So I would guess it means something like: 'In a relationship yes'.

But I'm not sure if this is correct..

Are there any Finns who can confirm this??
I've tried to translate it, but I don't know if it is correct..

Suhteessa is probably an innessive from 'suhde' which means (as far as I could find) something like 'affair' or 'relationship'. Innessive stands for 'in'.
'kyllä' means yes..
So I would guess it means something like: 'In a relationship yes'.

But I'm not sure if this is correct..

Are there any Finns who can confirm this??

The reason I said I don't know what it means was because I fail to understand what makes people so goddamn interested in what these drunken fools say. There's much more interesting stuff out there to study.