Bands evolve just like people. Some for the better, some for the worse.
Metallica for the worse. Thankyou, point made.
VERY few bands can pull off not changing, and if they do, their fanbase probably gets less and less each passing year.
They certainly didn't pull off changing either, so why not quit? Then you don't get the fanbase problems either.
As far as Metallica fans being idiots, I think that is a very idiotic statement in itself.
Metallica are on Kerrang. Of course a high percentage of their fans are idiots.
I don't know about you, but I enjoy all kinds of music. I am not so shallow minded to hole myself up in one genre of music. Half of the bands out there have probably at one time or another been influenced by Metallica.
Could you BE more irrelevant?
I agree the St. Anger sounds like shit. I beleive they achieved what they set out to do, be it good or bad.
You say 'good or bad' having just confirmed that it is 'bad'. Make your mind up.
Hasn't anyone here ever fucked up and said, "Whoa, I won't do that again. Maybe their next album will be different, more hardcore like their old stuff. What then? Will they have sold out again to the popular vote? I believe those who don't like them now never will, and there is nothign that will change that.
Personally, I dislike St Anger because it sounds worse than my grandad having an orgasm. If their next album is good, I'll buy it, I'll openly praise it, I won't slate the band for releasing it. I will, however, continue slating them for releasing the pile of excrement that is St Anger.
Even if they wore face paint and ran around in all black cloths singing medleys about Norse Gods and waving swords and having 20 solo's in each song, never repeating a chord throughout the whole song, it wouldn't change your opinion.
Yeah, because those are the things that make music good.
Who cares if they cut thier hair
I don't.
and chilled out a little.
You mean 'started sucking'?
If someone else made these albums, I sstill would have bought them. I like the music. And ultimatly that is what it should be about, the music.
If you believe that the music you like is 'shit', that just shows that you don't value your own tastes, and probably have low self-esteem generally. Or do you just like St Anger because your friends do?
If you don't like it, don't listen to it and shut the fuck up.
That's fair enough. But I'm not going to hold back if someone asks for my opinion.
Everyone has their opinions and that is fine, but to those of you that are all ass-hurt about them changing, get off the damn soap box and get on with your life
I maintain that I'm, as you so cleverly put it, 'ass-hurt' because they deteriorated into shite, not just because they changed. If a band whose last 3 albums have been great, release an album that sounds like Avril Lavigne, will you embrace it just because it's a 'change'? If so, you're an imbecilic crotch-pheasant.