METALLICA Producer Speaks Out On 'St. Anger' Sound


Nov 8, 2001
Albuquerque, New Mexico
METALLICA producer Bob Rock recently spoke to about the production on the group's new album, "St. Anger". "I wanted to do something to shake up radio and the way everything else sounds," said Rock, who helped write the music and lyrics and played basslines on the album. "To me, this album sounds like four guys in a garage getting together and writing rock songs."

According to Rock, METALLICA achieved the primitive sound and schizophrenic vibe of "St. Anger" by combining old recording technology with cutting-edge editing software.

"There was really no time to get amazing performances out of [METALLICA frontman] James [Hetfield]," Rock said. "We liked the raw performances. And we didn't do what everyone does and what I've been guilty of for a long time, which is tuning vocals. We just did it, boom, and that was it."

After the basic recordings were done, METALLICA tried to add guitar solos, but Rock and the band ultimately decided to leave them all out.

"We made a promise to ourselves that we'd only keep stuff that had integrity," Rock said. "We didn't want to make a theatrical statement by adding overdubs. If we added something and it helped the mood or what we were trying to convey, that stayed. But if it distracted from that ... then we killed it. Every time we tried to do a solo, either it dated it slightly or took away from what we were trying to accomplish in some other way. I think we wanted all the aggression to come from the band rather than one player."

"A lot of the songs were done in William Burroughs cut-and-paste fashion," said Rock, referring to a style in which a piece of writing is cut into pieces and reassembled at random. "There are movements in moviemaking and in music where you take technology as an art and you actually abuse it. Some people use ProTools to trick and fool the listener, but we used it more as a creative tool to do something interesting and stretch boundaries.

"Technically, you'll hear cymbals go away and you'll hear bad edits. We wanted to disregard what everybody assumes records should be and throw out all the rules. I've spent 25 years learning how to do it the so-called right way. I didn't want to do that anymore."
This is all fine ... but a bad song, is a bad song no matter what.

In this case, the underporducing "is" the gimmick.

If this was the case of writing a raw record it should have been done in 2 weeks, tops, not over 6 months.
lurch70 said:
This is all fine ... but a bad song, is a bad song no matter what.

In this case, the underporducing "is" the gimmick.

If this was the case of writing a raw record it should have been done in 2 weeks, tops, not over 6 months.

I agree, it doesn't take away from the fact that the album itself sucks.
The best thing Metallica could do for themselves is GET RID OF BOB ROCK!!! This is the stupidest excuse I have ever heard. I think Ill dload the album and just give it to friends so they will hear just how bad it is and wont have to waste there money. Fuck you James. Fuck you Lars. Fuck you Kirk. Fuck you Bob Cock. You can all die.
Looks like Lars and the boys have a found a way to stop people file sharing their music. Release an album with fucking awful production and shit songs.

Get James back on the sauce and maybe we'll get something half decent from them in the future. :)
I love da new Metallica album, the more u hear it the more it opens up!.....And about the sound, it does not really matter to me aslong as the good songs are there, and they are, even if Metallica have evolved again. They stay true to what they wanna do, and thats the point!. So who cares if they have chosen a shitty "little-drum" sound, but Flemming vi savner dig...(we miss u)!... cant wait to see them together with Maiden on this years Roskilde-festival.......
loudsilence said:
After the basic recordings were done, METALLICA tried to add guitar solos, but Rock and the band ultimately decided to leave them all out. "We made a promise to ourselves that we'd only keep stuff that had integrity," Rock said.

OrestesMantra said:
In other words:

"We used shitty production techniques to disguise the fact that Metallica makes shitty music"

thankyou very fuckin much!!!

this seems like a poor attempt to justify the shitty nature of this album
lurch70 said:
This is all fine ... but a bad song, is a bad song no matter what.

In this case, the underporducing "is" the gimmick.

If this was the case of writing a raw record it should have been done in 2 weeks, tops, not over 6 months.

i agree.... shit its still shit, no matter how good you package it.