METALLICA Producer Speaks Out On 'St. Anger' Sound

i like St. Anger and i don't care what others think about it! i listen to it every day, in my car, at home and i like all songs on it!

"shoot me again, i ain't dead yet!"
Not many here like the new Metallica, and it seems to me they actually dislikes it..... Is this because their is no fan-response, but only people who likes their "hits", and cant really get over they not play like they did on Master anymore???.....

After all they made a highly aggressive piece this time if u compare it with load/reload, and thats so fucking great!...
Its a shame that so many ppl are jumping on the "i hate Metallica's new album" bandwagon.

Form an opinion of your own,

I like the new album, it shits all over anything they have written in the last 13 years, soft schoolboy shite it was, its good that they decided to go back to their roots, Metal. St Anger is more technichally complex than most ppl are giving it credit for, time sig changes inn most tracks, soft slow parts thrown right in the middle of heavy fast fat riffs smashed out, much like the days of old on puppets, the only difference is that there are no solo's, big deal, don't need a solo to make a song.