Quick mix test (Pod Farm 2/ SD2.0 MF)


New Metal Member
Jan 13, 2011
Just a (very) quick mix test.

Still trying to find that ideal guitar tone but the mix sounds a bit bassy.

I'm having trouble making the kick standout without it being overpowering and the drums in general sound a bit fake. Not sure whether that'll be a matter of humanizing or something else.

Anywho...all opinions welcomed.

guitars are quite scooped so try adding some more mids and also, abit less gain maybe for more clarity. yeah, as you said, kick really lacks punch, but cymbals sound pretty decent IMO
Thanks for commenting. I'll go and do that now. I'm still a bit lost on how to go about getting a punchy kick. The kick seems to get lost in the mix no matter what I try and do
what did you use to make that stutter effect in the background and is it over a guitar or synth? looped? Sounds awesome btw, i think you're overthinking the kick, in my monitors (ns10s) it cuts through just fine.
Thanks! Glad you like it! I'm just using the gater effect in Dblue Glitch vst www.illformed.org/plugins/glitch/.

Its a pretty cool vst for all that electronic stuff. It's basically a guitar track playing the same note in 16ths then in Glitch, I set the gater to 16ths to match it and set the speed to 2 and the length to around 25%.

Yeah, I'm not using the best monitors for mixing so the kick doesn't seem to come through but then with headphones it's too prominent. Hopefully, I'll upgrade them soon