Quick question for a swede


Jun 4, 2003
Ann Arbor Michigan U.S.
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I have the Katatonia/Hades split demo and on the tape itself it says "Katatonia - Jhvim Elohim Meth" not "Jhva Elohim Meth" like it does on the liner notes etc.
Is this just a mistake or what. I recieved the tape from Anders so I figure its the real one not a Re-print or anything like that.
Im sure that some of you have it. Is it the same on yours?
Knowing that it means "God God God" is this just a misprint or does it mean something else?
Jesus, sometimes I wish I was a Swede.

Also since I figure Varg is gonna answer this, have you met the guys? Hung out with them etc. Do they play Stockholm all the time? Anyone else (of course) is welcome to answer as well. Basically wanting to know what the Katatonia scene is like there. :)
So you wanna know if "Jhvim" means something in Swedish? It doesn't. Actually it doesn't mean anything at all, in any language.
I guess it's just something they found out, or maybe it's a missprint or something...
I don't have it myself, it's very rare.

And no, I don't hang out with them :) I have spoken to them once. But you know, even if I would have the opportunity, these are shy guys. Especially Jonas. Don't think he likes to hang out.
And no, they don't play live here often. I think they prefer playing live outside sweden, where noone knows them etc. They played live here 99 I think, and then nothing til 2004, they have played two times. They will also play, inofficial I guess, here in sthlm on a little bar. You bet I'll be there ;)

The scene isn't that big. People that are interested and search for new good music founds katatonia, just like in other countries, so it's not a big difference really. I think it's easier to get the material here though...
Wow. Thats really suprising to me, since they really seem to like sweden and all, that they have not played there in so long. But I would imagine if I ever got big enough to get out of Detroit and play I dont think I would want to play there anymore either. But Detroit is a shithole (thats why its called the murder city) who wouldnt want to get out of there?
I think that the Demo thing is a misprint, if anyone knows whats up with that let me know.
By the way I have the gift of all Katatonia gifts, an old style Katatonia logo shirt, only ten made, five for the band members, Anders sold me his, the very last one.
THAT IS RARE!!!! I think Anders still has demo tapes for sale, ask him, thats what I did. He is super cool to deal with. :)
Haha! Cool :)
I might just do that.

Well, Anders favourite town is Stockholm so... I guess they like Sweden, but you know. It's cool to tour, meet new cultures, new fans etc.
"But you know, even if I would have the opportunity, these are shy guys. Especially Jonas. Don't think he likes to hang out."

Varg-, I really think that they like to "hang out", even though they make depressing music. it's the same thing when you were complaining about Mattias smiling on stage, just because they make depressing music it doesn't mean theyre always depressed and melancholic.

I had a chance once to have a chat with Anders, we sat next to each other in the audience on the västerås-gig.
Now you're misunderstanding - again. Stop trying to explain my arguments in stupid ways... ", just because they make depressing music it doesn't mean theyre always depressed and melancholic."
The thing is that I know that Jonas, and I guess Anders too, doesn't like to party the way the other guys does. They said something about it on a concert here in sthlm. The other guys were going to party all night, and Anders and Jonas were going home, reading a book, sleeping... like.

Stop whining on me now please... I never say something if I don't got any facts...
I cant be the only one on the forum with the split KATATONIA/ HADES demo. If you have it look at it for me. It was the intention of this thread to figure that out, not to bring about more disharmony in this forum. :Smug:
migdetwar, hehe, finally someone noticed.
It's a joke-picture, it's from a mascerade, and you're all right, I'm like village people there.
It was better there though, had leatherpants, a whip etc :D

Ofcourse, it's hard for me to explain my sence of humor / irony to you, when you don't know me, and I don't know how accepted it is to act gay as humor in your countries.
Varg- said:
... They will also play, inofficial I guess, here in sthlm on a little bar. You bet I'll be there ;) ...

Varg-, is the gig in sthlm youre referring to the one at Göta Källare by the end of the month? Or is there perhaps another gig planned in sthlm?
Im glad someone brought up that pic of Vargs. I wanted to poke some fun at ya Varg but I thought "jesus maybe that is really him, maybe things are much more openly GAY in Sweden, or maybe Varg just dont care." I have had a few good laughs at it though. Good shit bro, I think its funny as hell. :)
Deliverance6, hehehe! Yeah, that's the point! And it's really insecure to upload a pic like this, I mean people could think it's really me :)
But it's nice to see that some guys have some sense of humor.

So it's not forbidden with gayacting-jokes in the US? ;)
HAHA. In the U.S. I would think that gay stuff is more acceptable than in other places. I just happen to live in one of the most politically correct towns in the U.S. so I see that stuff on a consistant basis, Im used to it, but I still think its funny just because Im so not gay. Its almost become cool to be gay in the U.S., chicks love it. I dont have anything against it. I figure wherever people find happiness in this world is fine, as long as they find happiness. Shit man, gay marriage is becomeing more and more prominent in the U.S. and Im O.K. with it, I mean its not like anyone is gonna force me to bury myself in a mans hairy ass or nothing.
Haha... Well, you could wonder. USA is a very christian country, anti-homo, anti-abortion(spelling?) etc. But okay. Hope the other ones get the joke ;)
The U.S. is a christian country but there are alot of people working on that. Our president is christian. The U.S. is very divided on issues like the war and abortion, gay rights, etc. One side wants it all the other wants none. We are a fucked up country. There is a very small middleground, you know, people like me who dont care. ;)
Yeah... I guess we don't suppose to talk about politics, but I think the US should split up to make the democracy better. I mean, over 50% of your ppl are unhappy with President Bush. Most of the ppl voted for Al Gore.

But anyway... I'm glad me outfit turns you on.
However, I'm not a bit gay, but when I get real drunk I could kiss guys :(
I agree, we should divide.
Confession: I kissed my old singer for Reaction on stage once. All the chicks loved it. I was just proving how secure I was with my masculinity :D (HAHA) It was funny as hell.
I am in no way opposed to talking politics on this thread it just wasnt my purpose for this thread. Discussion is welcome. :)
Okay, nice.
Hehe, did you kiss him on the mouth? If not, then it's nothing... but still fun! :)
But I meant, when I'm drunk I, sometimes I kiss them on the mouth, with tounge. Hahaha, I regret that every time, waking up the other morning...

Damn, well... how do you like your political system in the US then?