Quick Saxon fan related questionnaire!


New Metal Member
Jan 12, 2006
Hey there guys! I am currently studying at the Brighton Institute of Modern Music and am currently doing an essay on the buisiness side of Saxon!

I need you guys help on a questionnaire I have been told to produce, so if you could answer these questions below that would be awesome!

1. How old are you?

2. What fashions and clothes do you wear?

3. What social class are you?

4. What is your level of education?

5. What is your average disposable income?

6. What racial group are you?

7. Do you have any particular political affiliation?

Thanks very much for your help! And rock on Saxon :headbang:
welcome here !

nice that you found the way to the worlds best forum !!!!!!!!!!!

i just wonder why you dont´t ask for phone numbers :)

1. How old are you? <--- old enuff to rock and roll :headbang:

2. What fashions and clothes do you wear? <--- i am only dressed in DENIM and LEATHER :headbang:

3. What social class are you? <--- ghetto boy :tickled:

4. What is your level of education? <--- wtf is THAT ? :confused:

5. What is your average disposable income? <--- i collect things people lose on saxongigs and then off to ebay - someone will buy that crap - so i get money for the next gig :)

6. What racial group are you? <--- non-racistic german banger :headbang:

7. Do you have any particular political affiliation? <--- i am non-political - the politicians don&#180;t make music so..... :puke:


Thanks very much for the welcome, it would be nice for a bit more seriouse and direct answers to the questions though :p
I'll do a demo one.

1. How old are you? 16

2. What fashions and clothes do you wear? Jeans, Long sleeve T-shirt with T shirt ontop, strange colours (Alternative style).

3. What social class are you from? Middle Class

4. What is your average level of education? Collage educated.

5. What is your average disposable income? £30 per week.

6. What racial group are you? White British

7. Do you have any particular political affiliation? Liberal
1. How old are you? 33

2. What fashions and clothes do you wear? Black Jeans, Long Sleeve Shirts, Short Sleeve Shirts, Dark Casual Trousers, Suit.

3. What social class are you from? Working Class (I Thought They Had Got Rid Of The Class System??)

4. What is your average level of education? Left School At 16, No Qualifications.

5. What is your average disposable income? £150 per week.(Beer Money, C.d's, Dvd's, Clothes Money E.T.C)

6. What racial group are you? White British

7. Do you have any particular political affiliation? Labour

I must be really bored to have answered these questions!!!:confused:
PS: What beer Onslow prefers to drink on Keeping up Appearances? (lol, something that I've been wondering for some time).
I thought your essay was about the "business side of Saxon"? :Smug: :err: I don't see the relevance of these questions in relation to that! :confused: Thanks for doing the demo, but we're not thicko's, you know...Saxonator has a great sense of humour, hence his answers :) Are you expecting us all to be the stereotypical great unwashed, long haired, denim clad, uneducated, unemployed wasters? Sorry to disappoint you, if that's the case!
Sammi951 said:
I thought your essay was about the "business side of Saxon"? :Smug: :err: I don't see the relevance of these questions in relation to that! :confused: Thanks for doing the demo, but we're not thicko's, you know...Saxonator has a great sense of humour, hence his answers :) Are you expecting us all to be the stereotypical great unwashed, long haired, denim clad, uneducated, unemployed wasters? Sorry to disappoint you, if that's the case!

10 out of 10 sweetheart !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

from northernlady too :headbang:

nothing more to add :worship:
Redman said:
PS: What beer Onslow prefers to drink on Keeping up Appearances? (lol, something that I've been wondering for some time).

You get that programme in Finland?? Anyway, that is a very good question! :lol: I don't know the answer - but I would guess that he likes any beer that is free, or at the very least, cheap, and probably the stronger, the better! :D
Sammi951 said:
I thought your essay was about the "business side of Saxon"? :Smug: :err: I don't see the relevance of these questions in relation to that! :confused: Thanks for doing the demo, but we're not thicko's, you know...Saxonator has a great sense of humour, hence his answers :) Are you expecting us all to be the stereotypical great unwashed, long haired, denim clad, uneducated, unemployed wasters? Sorry to disappoint you, if that's the case!

It is on the buisiness side of Saxon, I have to do this questionaire to find out what sort of person Saxon has been aimed at by their record lable. And I did the demo because I wasn't sure whether that was a joke or whether it really wasn't understood as I wanted some seriouse answers (this being a seriouse essay I actually have to do to pass my Diploma). And no I don't expect you to all be unwashed, longhaired, denim clad etc. wasters if I expected that I wouldn't be doing this questionaire and I would have just wrote out what you said in the relative sections.

Please people I need some real answers to these questions, I am relying on the kindness of fellow fans of the great band that is Saxon!
747nahtan said:
It is on the buisiness side of Saxon, I have to do this questionaire to find out what sort of person Saxon has been aimed at by their record lable.

OK buisiness! What do Saxon-fans get in return..? The first 10 people get the To Hell and Back Again DVD, to be released this year, for free? Or free-tickets for the upcoming concerts..:Spin:
1. im 15/16 ish
2.i wear generally denim and leather stuff
3.middle class
4. im at secondary school at the moment
5.I earn 20 quid from garden labour a week
6.im bosnian but live in the UK
7.I am a radical left wing terrorist
Sammi951 said:
You get that programme in Finland?? Anyway, that is a very good question! :lol: I don't know the answer - but I would guess that he likes any beer that is free, or at the very least, cheap, and probably the stronger, the better! :D

lol, you're kidding? it comes here every year, haha :tickled: British series are the best, hah!
I guess he drinks something local, something British, but I'm not really an expert in British beers, been doing some research though ;) oh, but let's keep on topic :)
747nahtan said:
I am relying on the kindness of fellow fans of the great band that is Saxon!

well, real fellow saxonfans run for their tickets through the ice and snow - they go to the concerts - they join this forum sooner or later and they may meet aftershows or get good friends for life - real fellow saxonfans are not interested in age sex religion skin-colour or political things but the first thing they do not do is asking such f.......... questions :tickled:
well, real fellow saxonfans run for their tickets through the ice and snow - they go to the concerts - they join this forum sooner or later and they may meet aftershows or get good friends for life - real fellow saxonfans are not interested in age sex religion skin-colour or political things but the first thing they do not do is asking such f.......... questions :tickled:

Okay i've tried to be nice, I have had alot of trouble doing this essay so far! I have tried contacting numerouse record lables/managers and none replyed and none were interested so I decided I would do Saxon as I could talk to Doug Scarrat (bloody nice bloke!) easily (being my ex-guitar teacher) and get him to put me in touch with the management etc. All I ask of you is to fill out a fucking questionairre as this essay is very important (basicly if I don't do this essay I fail). Now stop being an arrogant bastard please :).
i think some kiddies are spamming the forum

i am an arrogant bastard ? :tickled:

well, ok

but i know who my parents are.... :D

now stop nerving honest saxonfans :wave:

What are you trying to achieve?
You do realise this is an internet forum and arguing on an internet forum is completely pointless and ignorent, all I came on here for was some answers from real fans of Saxon to help me with my essay and you give me all this bullshit!