Quiet World


My soul got a crack
Sep 9, 2002
Phoenix AZ
I used to listen to the song off and on when I played my "Saw You Drown" vinyl, but never really payed as much attention to it until now. I have listened to it now up to 30 times since last night...I think this ultimately my favorite Katatonia song now...why wasn't it on Discouraged Ones...I don't know why...but this song is so damn gloomy, depressing and just fits who I am personally. I have it on repeat and don't think I'm turning off for awhile...until my next class in 40 minutes...This is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard.

Just thought I'd share that.
i've listening to this song ever since i got in to katatonia.....but to be honest, i'm afraid of it's substance...somehow it always gets me depressed anytime a play it
Hehe, yeah Kev. There was a time when I was obsessed with Day and also with Quiet World at the same time and spent all day listening to these two beautiful songs. Quiet World is one of those beautiful songs I never get tired of listening to. I really like its lyrics.
Good choice.
AngelinaBlakkheim said:
Hehe, yeah Kev. There was a time when I was obsessed with Day and also with Quiet World at the same time and spent all day listening to these two beautiful songs. Quiet World is one of those beautiful songs I never get tired of listening to. I really like its lyrics.
Good choice.

day and qiuet world are probably my favourite katatonia songs, i dunno yeah... :worship:
i was addicted to this song in an almost insane way years ago.
absolutely one of my favourite kata songs ever. and not only mine, i recall several people mentioned it in several 'favourite-stuff-threads'.

The Poona of Peshwa said:
That song is reason enough for Anders to start taking an active role in lyric writing.
and indeed, he did an amazing job with dissolving bonds. ;)
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Day too...I miss these earlier songs as they show their more "shoegaze" attempt at what they do. I mean I love where Katatonia have come to be, but I just miss these really stripped down depressing songs. It's the songs with less that really get to you...for me anyways. I really don't want to overlisten to this and get tired of it(not that I will) but this probably one of the greatest songs I have ever heard. You can throw all your fancy finger work, million mile an hour blast beats, and layer upon layer of riffs...but it will never have the emotion of such a simple yet beautiful song like this. I think the only other band that can get close to this is Slowdive...only because they are probably the influence for this particular song.
LifeDepraved said:
Day too...I miss these earlier songs as they show their more "shoegaze" attempt at what they do. I mean I love where Katatonia have come to be, but I just miss these really stripped down depressing songs. It's the songs with less that really get to you...for me anyways. I really don't want to overlisten to this and get tired of it(not that I will) but this probably one of the greatest songs I have ever heard. You can throw all your fancy finger work, million mile an hour blast beats, and layer upon layer of riffs...but it will never have the emotion of such a simple yet beautiful song like this. I think the only other band that can get close to this is Slowdive...only because they are probably the influence for this particular song.
i guess the "closest" new era song would be code against the code ..maybe?....btwy antimatter gets closer with "in stone"
I never considered the new katatonia metal. I mean there are def metal influences but it's more rock than metal to me.
LifeDepraved said:
Day too...I miss these earlier songs as they show their more "shoegaze" attempt at what they do. I mean I love where Katatonia have come to be, but I just miss these really stripped down depressing songs. It's the songs with less that really get to you...for me anyways.
For me too, Kev :)
I found myself feeling a lot of things while listening to instrumental songs lately, so I spend almost all day listening to some different instrumentals I really like. I've always liked instrumentals very much but I'm feeling them a whole lot more than some time before, who knows exactly why. Sometimes is just like you say, Kev. It's the songs with less that really get you.
The Poona of Peshwa said:
That song is reason enough for Anders to start taking an active role in lyric writing.
°scarlet° said:
and indeed, he did an amazing job with dissolving bonds. ;)
OMG. I didn’t know Anders did the lyrics for these two songs. He should definitely do more.
OMG I'm quoting myself. Feel free to pay me out about it. said:
Imho Quiet World is the most depressing Katatonia song. The last two lines of the song are the most depressing.

need more methods to end each day
to be happy by living this way

Listening to Jonas sing these two lines, It sounds like he has been very frustrated with his life and his attempts to fix it up, and finally he has just become content with everything being so fucked. So he leaves it that way because trying to change for the better just makes it worse. In the last line, the way he says “happy” he is most definitely not. Neither is he really “living”. It sounds more like he’s not really living but not quite dead, just sort of … there… in this half existence. Becoming apathetic seems like a better option than trying to work things out.

Fuck that’s depressing. Listening to quiet world on repeat is dangerous.