R.I.P. Forest Stream


Apr 5, 2003
I told my dad my stereo was broke, it's been broke for like 2 weeks. So anyway we're up there trying to wrench the door in and out, trying to get it to open and close. I shined a light in there and I saw a CD. I suddenly started to feel really bad, eventually we got the CD out and I found out it was Tears of Mortal Solitude... in one peice BUT destroyed to the point where it is now dead. This CD went with me a lot of places, you can tell by the bad condition of the case, but the CD didn't have any scratches on it at all until it was killed.

R.I.P. Discovered today at 6:30 PM. July, 17th 2005
It was one of my favorites.. In fact, it was the only CD
I found stuck in the stereo that got destroyed...
C'mon! We are working like damned, and I love what I hear. Furious and majestic.
The band is never gonna quit.... but my poor CD hath met it's demise.... And I can't even find any backups of the CD that I had so I can burn it on a new CD x_x
About backups... :))
my laptop hard drive (being in use only for 5 months) was crashed completely last week and i could hardly access it and managed to copy only some of the data :( . All my music folder is not accessible anymore... fuck!
--- So the rule is always to make backups :)
That sucks... I have only one original CD (Earache) and plenty of licenced. Buy a new one, man and I will send you TMS as a gift, the only thing you have to pay for will be postal costs:))
Sonm said:
That sucks... I have only one original CD (Earache) and plenty of licenced. Buy a new one, man and I will send you TMS as a gift, the only thing you have to pay for will be postal costs:))
I don't have PayPal though and I live in the USA and my mom is worried about giving out credit card info... :(
She's right, although we can not use credit cards infos anyway...
1) PayPal
2) Direct bank tranfer
3) Western Union
and that's it :(