R.I.P. - Teemu 'Somnium' Raimoranta

well i read the news in the impaled nazarene forum ,as i am a huge impnaz fan and i came here to open a thread with this situation and i found this....I DIDNT KNOW THE GUY OR NOTHING ,but i wish him the best for him and the other bandmates!may he rape the angels !
Death is not the end

Sorry, Zsuzsa, I promise I'll download msn tomorrow and so we can talk. Please, gal, try to get better. I'm sure Teemu wants the same
holy shit, we were talking about him in the favorite men/women thread just a week ago... this totally sucks!! i starting listening to this band a week ago... i hope i didn't kill him or anything :-(

totally and absolutely sucks :-( poor guy
R.I.P. Teemu Raimoranta

A friend of mine had talked with Teemu a while back and he told me these news yesterday about 13.00. I got an sms message from him just two minutes back and he told me he had been in contact with the bass player of ImpNaz and he had told my friend what had happened. But, since it's not so clear yet, my friend decided to keep it to himself, until the band(s) release some official info about it.

R.I.P. Teemu Raimoranta
from heavymetal.hu:
"Ma reggel elhunyt a Finntroll gitárosa, az 1977-ben született Teemu 'Somnium' Raimoranta. "Drága barátunk és gitárosuk meghalt ma, vasárnap reggel. Súlyos csapás ez számunkra és mindenkinek, aki ismerte ot. Reméljük, sem a rajongók sem a nyilvánosság nem kezd spekulálni a történtekrol, mindent elmondunk majd, amint lenyugszik a helyzet." Somnium a Finntroll egyik alapítótagja volt, de mellette játszott még az Impaled Nazarene-ben is. "
Talk about shock when I check their forum as usual and I read the news... cant belive it, its so sad... :cry: