R.l.P. Chuck Schuldiner - 2003

I still cant believe he's gone. Chuck was not only one of the most brilliant songwriters and fascinating metal musicians ever, but a very cool, down to Earth gentleman. I'm so glad I saw him perform live several times and had the pleasure of meeting him.
Of all the hundreds of vinyls I have, my most treasured piece is a copy of Symbolic that Chuck autographed "Brian, vinyl forever...keep raging!!!" and sent me for Christmas several years ago along with a card thanking me for some ideas, etc I contributed to his fanclub.
I wouldnt sell that for anything....ever, and I will never stop raging either.
Rest in peace metal brother...see you in Sto-Vo-Kor.

"Do you remember when...things seemed so eternal?...Heroes were so real...their magic frozen in time"
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