OT-Chuck Schuldiner

affinityband said:
Lol no, itl turn into a massive religious row.

If we were disrespectful idiots who refused to listen to one anothers opinion, yes. But you've given me no reason to think that you're the type of Opeth forumer that would do that. A lot of people take these forum too seriously, but like i say, i don't feel that you would and i know i certainly wouldn't (or would at least try my best not to).
Powers said:
Fairplay, i enjoy philisophical and ethical debate some people don't i guess.
it's just that we had a 20ish page long discussion on this topic already and it turned out just as Chris says. You can't debate metaphysics vs physics. Logic and reason can't explain the supernatural, and so those who adhere to each try to structure their arguments in ways that neither side can prove the other wrong, and ultimately it's just pointless.
Is there such thing as going too far for a pint?

Sir John Mills would disagree.

Powers said:
Sunderland, it's a shitty little ex mining and ship builing town (only a city since '93 lol) about 12 miles from Newcastle. About 400 miles from you anyway.
Haha... funny coincedence... my friend's last name is Sunderlin... AWEFULLY close.

(Well, he's not my friend anymore because today I found out he was a lying sack of shit. :( )

- but enough of my fat life
Tubbs Mcgee said:
Best drink ever. (And it only comes from Maine, MWAHAHA!!!)

EDIT: Hehehe, this is my 888th post.

- Moxie is the shiznit

Tubbs...your avatar is screaming "Moxie wants you..."
what flavor is it anyway?and is it not exported outside of Maine because it contains a small small dosage of cocain?

Moxie the drink of Redneck America

fuck yeah