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Mr. Hyde

Guitar, Bass
Apr 27, 2001
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After talking about Dee on the other thread I sat down and tried my best to relearn it. I recorded the results and I'd like your input on it. I'm not too up on classical techniques and those are the areas where I think I might be most off.
Oh, yeah...I know I played it really slow. I kept getting slower and slower after each 20 or so failed takes!:lol:
It's on my crappy electric too with the nasty buzz.

Anyway, I'm a complete idiot for staying up till 4 a.m. just to get Dee out of my head but that's how it goes.

And how's this for number of takes...proof that working when you are tired is not a good idea...It took me somewhere between 50 and 100 tries to get something this decent. Oh, I'm an idiot and I'll pay dearly when the kids are up bright and early on a saturday morning!:lol:

Oh yeah, I opened my own myplay account so I don't have to keep posting little stuff like this in other people's lockers.

email: jcfbff@hotmail.com
standard password.
Well done lad! Well done! Slow and smooth is better than fast and screwed up! ;)

...that buzz is quite annoying. I thought I was going nuts at first.

There are a couple places where you are playing a bit wrong from the sound of it. Let me organize my thoughts and I'll get back to you.