Racism in Europe

As a European living Stateside, it's understandable why Americans might think a racist metal trend may exist in Europe.

If any of you have heard of an extreme metal magazine called "The Pit", then you'll have noticed every other page advertising some kind of NSBM band. (Most of which come from East Europe - including places like fucking Serbia).

Anyway, just an observation...
Originally posted by Warrior of Ice
Racism will always exist because of jealously and hate.

Jealousy and hate? I think the basis for racism is a love for your own race, not the hatred of another. I'm sure a lot of self-proclaimed racists hate other races, though.
Originally posted by Voice of God
The basis for racism is insecurity and low self esteem that you have to batch up by saying your "race" is better than another.

That's incorrect AFAIK. I remember reading about a big psycho-social study on the subject (not a BNP-sponsored one, either!) which concluded that rates of insecurity and low self-esteem were not particularly high in racist groups. I've never read one that said the opposite.

IMO reducing "racism" to being merely a symptom of a single problem is impossible, just as much as as if you wanted to reduce crime to being solely a symptom of poverty and deprivation.
@Board ,the Darkthrone thing, Nocturno Culto has said himself that those words were only used for one reason that it would cause a stir and piss ppl off it seems to have worked they have also used the word "Jew" and "Jewish Behaviour"for the
same reasons.
Originally posted by Fuþorc
The Aryans and the Germans are nowhere near related. The languages might have a common origin in the Indo-European family but the Persians and the Afghans are more kinned to the Aryan than the Germans.

Besides racism is stupid. I live in the Southern part of the US and I run into this shit all the time. Both Black and White people can be racist. I think it is time to get over it and move on.

As you probably know Hitlers goal was to destroy all other races than the aryan (as far as I know), so that's why I mention Darkthrone's slogan here. Hitler wasn't even really aryan either, as he had black hair and probably brown eyes. He was also 1/8 (or 1/16) jewish!