Radial ProRMP = Jensen Reamp


Sounds like shit!
Oct 22, 2006
Atlanta, GA
So, I gave in and ordered a Radial ProRMP. Immediately, I dissasembled the bastard to see what it was made of. Pretty much exactly the same as the Jensen reamp other than three extra resistors. Wow. Shit cost me $100.

I lost my internet connection, so I don't have all my gut shots (the construction is good), but here is a circuit diagram I drew up and an image of the jensen schematic. You can see the similarites.


That's because Radial bought a license from Jensen, hence why its practically identical. There are a few others out there also.
I took apart my Redeye and posted schematics of it on another forum, and within 2 days I got a cease and desist notification. Just be cautious when you guys post stuff like this.
I took apart my Redeye and posted schematics of it on another forum, and within 2 days I got a cease and desist notification. Just be cautious when you guys post stuff like this.

Damn, Big Brother was watching! :zombie:

Interesting it seems that new version of J48 can have some differences (from Radial site), old picture, like on Thomann also available on old site.