Radiohead - KidA


des scoubidoubidous wha !
Jan 15, 2007
There is something mystic in that album that I will never understand. Some things I consider brilliant, and some stuff i thing are really lame according to me.

but this album is really something isn't it ???

come on just listen to Everything In Its Right Place......
First off, let me say that I would consider myself a big fan of Radiohead. However, I feel that Kid A lacks melody that the other albums have. Not my favourite RH album by any means, but still very good and probably considered their best by fans.
I love the whole record. It's one of my favorite releases of its era for sure. But I am also a huge fan of early works by Penderecki and I don't mind music that consciously rejects melody in favor of other things. There's a lot of different elements of music that can be focused on, it just so happens that western culture has chosen to focus on melody.