Radiohead - King of limbs


Jul 12, 2005
Seattle, WA
I did a search and didn't find anyone already posting about this yet.

Overall, it's a very different album than anything else they've done. They're not really known for making the same album twice -- meaning each album and most songs are unique to themselves-- and I think this new album follows suit. It's a shame that it's not longer and only a little more than 30 minutes, but it leaves me with a feeling of unsatisfaction really. It's hard to describe. Sonically, the overall production and mix is really good... but the actual songwriting just seems kinda "meh". Am I the only one who thinks that? It's also kinda strange that this has taken them 4 years to release, when a lot of these songs were already kinda bootlegged and out there from random shows. So there's not much really "new". Not saying it's bad, but it's definitely not their best. Just weird. But then again, that's Radiohead. :lol:

What are your thoughts on the new Radiohead album, King of Limbs?

Music is great as usual but Thom Yorke shouldn't be allowed to dance in public with his creepy face.
I love Radiohead and as much as tried to really like this album, I can't really say I'm too impressed as I was when In Rainbows came out. Hopefully they will release a second part to the album...

I definitely don't dislike the new album, it is enjoyable, just not exceptional. The best track is probably lotus flower.
im really enjoying it....i kind of like the fact its short and sweet although its annoying in the sense that it took so long to do for a short CD. they did kind of say they didnt want to do long albums like in rainbows anymore.

i like the electronic stuff, they seem to do their own thing completely with it.