Well I'm definitely glad we stayed for their set, they were surprisingly good. I actually liked the drum solo, though I didn't care much for the guitar solo. I think for a 90 minute set you need a little break in there with either some solos or an accoustic mini-set or something. And the drum solo was the perfect intermission, that guy was a riot.
That said, it took them too fucking long to come on stage. I mean it was easily the longest delay between sets of the weekend. How long does it take a 3 man band to set up? So if you're sitting there thinking, "man, it's been a long weekend and I'm fucking tired, how much longer do I want to wait to hear a band I'm not a huge fan of?" I can relate to that somewhat, and I'm not surprised some people left early. By 1:00am on Saturday night, people are getting burned out; I even saw one guy sleeping during Rage's set, which I found pretty incredible.