Ragnarokkr 2015

I told Simon this a couple of times, and I'll stick to it: I'll come support Ragnarokkr again (and man oh man I wanted to the year Brocas Helm and Pharaoh played but couldn't!) if they expand their reach just a bit, and add a bit more traditional doom and thrash bands.

The lineup they had this year, awesome headliners notwithstanding, just didn't have enough bands I was familiar with. And since traditional heavy metal isn't the genre I listen to the most, without bands I don't already know it's a little too taxing to get into.

The thing is, maybe I'm an idiot and the fest just isn't for me - didn't it sell out? So many they don't need to change shit. I just know I didn't know enough of the lineup to justify the trip up. I'm glad it went so well this year, though.
I told Simon this a couple of times, and I'll stick to it: I'll come support Ragnarokkr again (and man oh man I wanted to the year Brocas Helm and Pharaoh played but couldn't!) if they expand their reach just a bit, and add a bit more traditional doom and thrash bands.

The lineup they had this year, awesome headliners notwithstanding, just didn't have enough bands I was familiar with. And since traditional heavy metal isn't the genre I listen to the most, without bands I don't already know it's a little too taxing to get into.

The thing is, maybe I'm an idiot and the fest just isn't for me - didn't it sell out? So many they don't need to change shit. I just know I didn't know enough of the lineup to justify the trip up. I'm glad it went so well this year, though.

There were some really good thrashers this year, especially on the second stage. Mostly unknowns though.
While I love the idea of another successful festival in the states (as long as it doesn't interfere stylistically or calendar-wise with ProgPower USA), the main problem to me is that I am just not into the style of probably 95% of the bands that play at Ragnarokkr. I wish the festival the absolute best, but you'll likely never see me there.
There was a large variety this past year William...Possessor and Ravish were thrash, The Skull, Argus and Dogbane were doom, had Diamond Rexx an old Chicago hard rock act.

People say they don't know bands but is it that hard to go to youtube and type in a band???

The line ups have always had diverse bands playing...in 2013 there was Winterhawk and Ashbury. Two proto metal acts. We even had bands like Innersiege and Eldritch play who fit into the ProgPower scene more but bought some nice diversity to the fest.

This past year sold out before showtime both nights. Had to turn people away at the door.

There will be more of the same for people this year. I know a few thrash bands have been talked to and others in different genre's but the average fan who came this year is the target. There is zero need to compete with ProgPower, Days of the Doomed, Warriors of Metal and other fest around the country. Rather see them all be able to help each other and share to make sure they don't go away.
the main problem to me is that I am just not into the style of probably 95% of the bands that play at Ragnarokkr. I wish the festival the absolute best, but you'll likely never see me there.

Nothing wrong with that at all!!!!

It appeals to a niche group of folks that has been growing steadily these past 10 years in the states.

As they say, timing is everything.

Festivals like Classic Metal Fest, etc had the same formula of bands, but it just wasnt the right time.

I agree, there has been a good mix of bands while still staying true to "TRADITIONAL"

Most likely you will never see a flower metal band, or an extreme prog, death, or black metal band, but anything is possible I suppose.
Yeah it is great they are doing it. Kind of crazy how it all came about too. No one knew how it was going to go over but so far everyone is happy!

I think more and more newer fans of metal are digging deeper into more obscure bands. Let's be honest, pre internet SO many of these bands were relatively unknown outside of their own local scene. So, now people are discovering all these diamonds in the rough, so to speak, and more and more labels are re-releasing stuff.

Look how many bands, such as MANILLA ROAD (I had to mention em, right??? LOL) now have a full time career again???? It's great!
I think more and more newer fans of metal are digging deeper into more obscure bands. Let's be honest, pre internet SO many of these bands were relatively unknown outside of their own local scene. So, now people are discovering all these diamonds in the rough, so to speak, and more and more labels are re-releasing stuff.

Look how many bands, such as MANILLA ROAD (I had to mention em, right??? LOL) now have a full time career again???? It's great!

Doesn't happen often, but I agree 100 percent with this.
Doesn't happen often, but I agree 100 percent with this.

To Bob's assertion of diversity, I submit the 2005 lineup of Maryland Deathfest: You've got the gore-infused Carcass style of death metal purveyed by bands like Lord Gore, Impaled and General Surgery, grindcore stalwarts Pig Destroyer, Regurgitate, Birdflesh, and Leng T'che, blasphemic legends Immolation, brutal death metal legends Cryptopsy, brutal death up-and-comers Wormed, and DIY workhorses like Magrudergrind waiting to pick up the pieces.

Now, in light of this, I'd think the casual death metal listener has heard of maybe four or five of these bands, and given a serious listen to maybe two or three. This is only about half the bands at that festival (other names not mentioned: Warscars, Guttural Secrete, XXX Maniak, Kill the Client, Despised Icon, Ion Dissonance, Amoebic Dysentery, etc. etc). Just understand that what you think is a nuance sense of "diversity" isn't really diversity.

But I'm not clamoring for utmost diversity here; it wouldn't be Ragnarokkr if they started lining the roster with death metal bands or something like that. And I don't want it to be Chicago Powerfest either. I'm just saying that given a lineup that has 30-40 bands, 25 or more of which I've never even heard of (yet, somehow I have an idea of how they'll sound based on stereotypes and genre tropes), I'm not as excited to delve into it.

Plus the band name Dogbane just sucks. And I'm not listening to a band with that name.
To Bob's assertion of diversity, I submit the 2005 lineup of Maryland Deathfest: You've got the gore-infused Carcass style of death metal purveyed by bands like Lord Gore, Impaled and General Surgery, grindcore stalwarts Pig Destroyer, Regurgitate, Birdflesh, and Leng T'che, blasphemic legends Immolation, brutal death metal legends Cryptopsy, brutal death up-and-comers Wormed, and DIY workhorses like Magrudergrind waiting to pick up the pieces.

Well, everyone is going to have a difference of opinion as far as diversity. To me, right, wrong, or indifferent, there is very little diversity in the lineup you list above. Though to you, who is a LOT more familiair with and into more extreme metal, you see the diversity.

Being more into traditional, power metal, and doom primarily, I see a lot (err, well enough I guess) diversity in Ragnarokkr...

If you heard Dogbane, I think you might change your mind.
Hard to explain, but I would say that name suits the band.