Raiders Coach hospitalized...


Locked & Loaded
Jan 7, 2004
I hope he's o.k. Thraxx... "T"

Raiders coach Lane Kiffin was hospitalized Monday with a viral infection and might not return to the team until later this week.
"This morning when he woke up, from what I understand, he was feeling under the weather," Raiders offensive coordinator Greg Knapp said. "[It's] something he's been fighting for the last two or three days."
According to Knapp, Kiffin presided over meetings Sunday night and was present when the coaching staff reviewed Saturday's 27-23 preseason win over Arizona. But his condition worsened overnight and Kiffin, 32, was taken to the Queen of the Valley Medical Center for observation.
A spokeswoman for the hospital said it was policy not to give out information on the condition of patients. The spokeswoman also declined to confirm or deny whether Kiffin was being kept overnight.
The Raiders returned to practice Monday and most of the players were notified of Kiffin's condition prior to the workout, though some weren't even aware the head coach was missing until they took the field.
As much as i hate the Raiders i hope it's something minor, and he returns to continue work, i want the Raiders to be competitive again for the sake of the Division, Go Chargers!!!....
Kiffin is going to be fine. He is just sickened by the prospect of having to play other NFL teams with his current roster.
As much as i hate the Raiders i hope it's something minor, and he returns to continue work, i want the Raiders to be competitive again for the sake of the Division, Go Chargers!!!....

Thanks for the Kind Words... I just hope that Norv Turner:zombie: doesn't screw up a good thing:lol:
Thanks for the Kind Words... I just hope that Norv Turner:zombie: doesn't screw up a good thing:lol:

Everybody in San Diego is on stand by, all new coaches we just hope it works out and the talent we have doesn't go to waste, will just have to wait & see

The only thing with Turner here is that we don't have Al Davis forcing stuff on him :lol: