

So far, so good, so not!
Sep 15, 2001
Espoo, Finland
Do you like ´em? I just love ´em! They make really horny.
Musicwise they´re getting better all the time...Mutter rules
as does Suhnsucht. Anyone seen ´em live?
They were due to play a concert in the states for which I had tickets, but they cancelled due to the 9/11 incident. I was pissed - I really wanted to see them.
I hate them and i wish them a really painful death but dont mind me im like the only one on this forum who hates them. Cant get beyond their stupid image or their simplistic boring music that is not that bad ( boring music can be cool ) but is not my taste and its seriously overrrated
It's not about they're music - hell, I actually saw Slipknot in concert. So what? I don't care for either bands music, but like 'em or not, at least I thought the Slipknot concert was interesting to watch.

When it comes to concerts, I generally have a different point of view. I'm a studio album person - I generally like the sound of a studio album much better than live. But when I go to a show, I go for the feeling of the entire show - not just the music. It's about looking around at all the crazy shit that happens - watching the mosh pit - watching the crowd react to the band. And sometimes, I even like a particular song live.

I've seen Rammstein's videos, and I was really looking forward to see if their show was as loony as their videos portrayed them to be.
as i said 10 minutes ago in another thread, rammstein are just plain stupid. the show may be quite nice, but that's it...
Heh, heh! I knew it would be nice too see how people will react to
this thread. Almost every friend of mine have hated them at first
but now they dig ´em. They are irritating, they´re German!
I remember me and those friends being awaked every morning at 6:00 am when we were at one mid summer festival
cos our "neighbours" play Du Hast aloud. And I mean ALOUD!!!:mad:
When I saw Angel Dust at ProgPower this year, the lead singer started chanting 'Du Hast'. I thought it was pretty funny, but the keyboardist looked at him with a sort of pissed off faced telling him not to do that.

I somewhat like Rammstein, but I don't listen to them that much. When I listen to their music, it gets me kind of pumped up and energetic. My brother likes them somewhat because he took 5 semesters of German in college. So, he sometimes will mention them or randomly play a song or two in the car. I liked a few tracks from their last album, Mutter. Their music is definitely not complex but is just fun to listen to.

I agree with Metalman on the live concert thing. I go to a lot of concerts and usually the bands aren't that great, but I just enjoy the atmosphere of live concerts. I like seeing the crowd's reaction to a band especially in a festival atmosphere although I like smaller venues much better because of the intimacy and closeness that the band shows.
i've got mutter and it's ok, i haven't listened to it in a while though, its ok as background music but not the kind of thing i listen to, the music is very simplistic and very repititive but i guess it has its place, as for the concerts i've never been to one, but i remember they refused to play their london gig because they weren't allowed to use some of their pyrotechnics, it sounded really lame to me, some of their fans had travelled a long way to see them, then a couple of hours before the doors were supposed to open they were told they wasted their time, sure lowered my already low opinion of them...
i don't think its a band u should take very seriously. I think they r pretty funny anyway, the first rammstein song i heard was "buck dich". It made me really laugh :p (ya have to understand a bit of german ofcourse, otherwise it just sux :p)

The music might be a bit simplistic, but i see them more as "entertainers" then as musicians.

Originally posted by Misanthrope
I hate them and i wish them a really painful death but dont mind me im like the only one on this forum who hates them. Cant get beyond their stupid image or their simplistic boring music

u know what? I totally agree with that :) but their music is bad actually..
Originally posted by Spotted Owl
i don't think its a band u should take very seriously. I think they r pretty funny anyway, the first rammstein song i heard was "buck dich". It made me really laugh :p (ya have to understand a bit of german ofcourse, otherwise it just sux :p)

The music might be a bit simplistic, but i see them more as "entertainers" then as musicians.


Yeah, I know what Buck dich means!:lol:

Someone wrote that Rammstein is good background music.
That´s true. One Friday me and friends were drinking beer
and getting drunk and Rammstein fitted perfectly...
Well, you already have said my opinion :p Rammstein is nice backround music, but I couldn't listen to them. I do like some of their songs though. But the lyrics........there's nothing in them, they're just some German words which supposed to "sound" cool, I could have understand their lyrics after studied a year German.
I haven't seen them live, I supposed to go see them when they were here, but I missed it :( I heard from my friend their show was more than great, all the fire effects and stuff. But I think they're more entertainers than musicians.
but i remember they refused to play their london gig because they weren't allowed to use some of their pyrotechnics, it sounded really lame to me

I was there... waited for soo long and there... go back home fucker! Hmmm... that sucked big time.

I like some of there songs like, Sonne and some other...
Boring... really boring... :rolleyes: I liked them when they released their first album, because TV and radios started to pay attention for harder kind of music, and they WERE interresting. But when I started to concentrate on musical aspects I quickly left Rammstein behind. Strict riffs, just rythm work, nothing more... I saw them Live. And all I got was show, show, show... fire and stuff. Well, ok if you can't make good music then you have to perform a good show :lol:
I'm not a bit rammstein fan... but i caught them live at the Big Day Out (this year?? i think) and they are very good entertainers. They sure know how to put on a big show for the crowd... although i have seen their video and the show hasn't changed much in a few years. Fireworks onstage and off the stage, one of the guys in a burning suit, the keyboard basicallly on fire. Pretty amazing, but musically- not so amazing

Damn, this thread was old. So how about some more recent inputs on these German legends?

Fave album, song, live experiences, video, etc


Fave album: probably Sehnsucht, maybe tied with Reise, Reise.
Fave song: Morgenstern
Live: yet to see them live, they seem to not be touring for months now.
Video: tough call, almost all their video's are brilliant. Ich Will is up there, as is Links 1234. Can't decide on a definitive answer, they're all great imo.
