
I listened to them when I was 12. i worshipped the Ich Will video, because the lead singer looks so tough. Now I'm all grown up. They're a bit of fun to listen to with your friends and try and sing along to in German, but musically, not very talented or interesting. So basically, what most of the others said.
Kind of dumb-sounding and mechanical, not a band you could ever give a serious listen to but good party/drinking music. I think they've gone a bit more power ballad with their last too albums, which are crap. They do, or at least did have a sense of humour (song about the gay cannibal?), but German metal fans probably cringe a bit because I bet they only ever get asked if they like Rammstein.

I saw them in London a few years ago and it was entertaining.
It's true that you have to like their sound in order to like their music. Their sound is basicely primitive, epic, lumbering, tongue-in-cheek, simplistic and very German with some very over-the-top lyrics to boot. They aren't very varied, but they are IMO one of the few bands that can get away with that. It's also really funny in that they are actually horrible musicians, Rammstein is the only type of music they can play (they have said this themselves in interviews). But they make damn good use of the ability they do have.
Their last two albums weren't as good.

PS guys... it's industrial.. it's not suposed to be complex.
etakistan said:
Their last two albums weren't as good.

I thought Reise, Reise contained some of their best work. Rosenrot is actually made out of songs left over from the Reise, Reise sessions, with some originals added (the cover used is actually the one that was intended for the Reise, Reise cover, but it was only used for the Japanese edition). So it's more a B-Sides album, and I think its very good in that respect. Benzin, Spring, Zerstören and Te Quiero Puta! are all great songs up their with their best IMO. I even like the often-bashed Stirb Nicht Vor Mir. I found it funny when die-hard fans claimed (for the millionth time) they sold out due to that song (and with the latest album in general), but Rammstein has always been a very commercialy aware group, releasing singles, videos etc. I guess you could say they are actually ultra-heavy pop.
etakistan said:
it's industrial..


Bierbommetje said:
I guess you could say they are actually ultra-heavy pop.


With that said, I enjoy them in moderate amounts. They're obviously a style-over-substance band but they also make no pretences to be anything else. I don't see anything wrong with listening to them any more than I see something wrong with listening to Motorhead or AC/DC (who are not as much style-over-substance but do make uncomplicated straightforward music, over and over and over again). And their live shows are undeniably awesome.
A. Iverson said:
asche zu asche isnt bad, although it gets boring after a while

Yeah, I used to love Asche zu Asche, Im a bit bored of it now, one of my least faves off Herzeleid, though it's still pretty good.
Rammstein sold out on the 1st album. They do Rammstein to make money.

I used to be into them alot more when i was younger and still enjoy some stuff every now and then.

Best album is deff Herzeleid.

Best song Weisses Fleish.

I dont care for them after Senn Sucht.
Keith! said:
Rammstein sold out on the 1st album. They do Rammstein to make money.

Technicely, you can't sell out on your first album. But yeah, Rammstein were never shy of commercialism.
I like rammstein, even Reise Reise and Mutter are both very good albums!! I like their sense of humour... Obviously a band not to be taken seriously, who cares if they sold out or whatever?? Its irrelevent...
Even Rosenrot is ok considering its mainly B sides etc.
Benighted1 said:
I like rammstein, even Reise Reise and Mutter are both very good albums!! I like their sense of humour... Obviously a band not to be taken seriously, who cares if they sold out or whatever?? Its irrelevent...
Even Rosenrot is ok considering its mainly B sides etc.

Right on